Pokemon Go Shadow Registeel: Best moveset for PvP and Raids

Players looking to catch Shadow Registeel upon its return to Shadow Raids can check out the best movesets to teach the Steel Titan in Pokemon Go‘s competitive play.
Unlike its fellow Titans – Regirock and Regice – the Legendary Registeel has almost always been part of the ultimate Pokemon to use in the Battle League.
Now that it is returning to the game to debut its Shiny Shadow form, players can get another chance at catching Shadow Registeel with outstanding IVs. So, if you do so, here are its ideal movesets.
Best moveset for PvP
Shadow Registeel’s best moveset for PvP consists of Lock-On as a Fast Move and Focus Blast as a Charged Move.
While not very strong, Lock-On has one of the best energy generation in the whole game. This is handy as all of Shadow Registeel’s moves are incredibly expensive (100).
As for the Charged Move, all of them have the same high cost, however, Focus Blast offers better coverage than the rest and hits really hard. Luckily, due to its many resistances and bulkiness, Shadow Registeel will be able to hold on until you charge the move.
If you can afford a secondary Charged Move, go with the Electric-type move Zap Cannon. It will not only hit extremely hard but will also have a chance of decreasing the target’s Attack stat by 20%.

Best moveset for Raids
In Pokemon Go, Shadow Registeel’s best moveset for Raids is Metal Claw as a Fast Move and Flash Cannon as a Charged Move.
Unlike in PvP, the best strategy to use in Raids is to go with same-type moves that match the Pokemon’s type in order to exploit the STAB. Due to Shadow Registeel only having one Fast and one Charged Steel-type move, the strategy is already set.
Metal Claw is not that strong, but it is cheap and fast, so you’ll access the Charged Move sooner. As for Flash Cannon, it has good synergy with the Fast Move and is faster than the other options.
All moves Shadow Registeel can learn in Pokemon Go
Gen 3’s Steel-type Titan has three Fast Moves and five Charged Moves, all with many different types to target a wide range of enemies during battles. Here are all the moves Shadow Registeel can learn:
Shadow Registeel Fast Moves
- Metal Claw (Steel/STAB)
- Rock Smash (Fighting)
- Lock-On (Normal)
Shadow Registeel Charged Moves
- Hyper Beam (Normal)
- Flash Cannon (Steel/STAB)
- Focus Blast (Fighting)
- Zap Cannon (Electric)
- Frustration (Normal)
That’s everything you need to know about Shadow Registeel’s best movesets in Pokemon Go. Remember to always check our game coverage with the latest Pokemon Go events, the current Community Day, and Spotlight Hours.