Papasha in Girls’ Frontline 2: Abilities, best team comp & weapons

James Busby
A custom image of Papasha in Girls Frontline 2.

Papasha is an upcoming Elite Doll in Girls’ Frontline 2: Exilium who summons a deadly robot in combat, so here’s everything you need to know about her abilities, Keys, weapons, and best team comp.

Papasha will be given out to every player for free in an upcoming event, which means Commanders from around the world will soon be able to unlock her. Unlike other characters in GLF2, Papasha (PPSH) can summon a friendly robot to assist her on the battlefield.

This will instantly make her a favored unit for those looking to bolster their teams with even more damage on the battlefield. So, if you’re looking to learn more about Papasha’s abilities and want to know which characters she synergizes well with, then our in-depth character guide has you covered.

Papasha release date

Papasha will be released on December 26, 2024, alongside the new guild system. The Elite Doll will be given out for free to all Commanders.


Who is Papasha?

Papasha is an Elite Doll (SSR) who is a member of the Sentinel class. She is the first summoner character in Girls’ Frontline 2, who uses her City Warden Guardian to obliterate her foes. Her official description describes her as a “warm-hearted Doll” who is “willing to give everything to protect everyone.”

Papasha abilities

The developers have revealed details about Papasha’s abilities. The Sentinel uses her SMG and City Warden summon to deal AoE damage to her opponents. You can read Papasha’s full ability breakdown below:

Basic Attack

Warning Shot
Deals Physical damage.

Active Skill

Honor Guard
(AoE, Debuff)
Deals AoE Physical damage to the selected target and all enemy targets within 1 tile around it. If the stability index of the selected target is greater than 0 after the attack, the City Warden gains [Courage to Endure].

Active Skill

Joint Breakthrough
(Targeted, cleanse)
Selects a tile, cleanses debuffs from Papasha, and removes all control and Command Prohibition effects from the City Warden. The City Warden moves to the selected tile and attacks the enemy target closest to Papasha, dealing Physical damage. After using this skill, the City Warden can no longer move independently for the rest of the turn. This skill cannot be activated if the City Warden is undergoing Self-Repair.
Papasha with tools


Heart of Protection
(Targeted, buff)
Deals Physical damage to the selected target. The City Warden gains [Tenacity to Withstand]. The City Warden gains a random offensive buff based on the number of buffs it held before the attack.

Passive Skill

United Guards
(Passive, Buff)
At the start of the battle, summons a City Warden on an adjacent tile. Gains Confectance Index whenever Papasha or the City Warden attacks.
After Papasha lands a critical hit, increases the critical rate for the City Warden’s next attack. After the City Warden lands a critical hit, increases the critical rate for Papasha’s next attack.


Fixed Keys

  • Glory with Us: When using the active skill Honor Guard to attack a Large Target, increases damage dealt by 20%. The stability damage of the City Warden’s active skill Counter Terrorism Support is increased by 2 points.
  • Vow Defend: When the City Warden is undergoing Self-Repair, Papasha’s damage dealt is increased by 20%.
  • Unwavering Conviction: The City Warden is unable to move independently, but its attack is increased by 10%.
  • Final Assault: When the active skill Joint Breakthrough deals damage, if there are no enemy units within 3 tiles around the City Warden, damage dealt is increased by 10%.
  • I’ll Learn It: At the start of the turn, if Papasha has less than or equal to 1 buff that can be cleansed, she gains 1 random buff that can be cleansed for 1 turn.
  • Strength in Unity: At the start of the turn, the unit with the lower attack between Papasha and the City Warden gains [Accolade’s Brilliance] for 1 turn.

Common Key

  • Brilliant Medal: Increases damage dealt by allied units’ support skills (excluding self) by 10%. Can trigger at most once per turn.

Best Papasha weapon

Papasha firing a PPSH

The best Papasha weapon is the Svarog SMG. This signature weapon deals damage, for each debuff the target has, ignoring 5% of their defense up to a maximum of 20. On top of this, Papasha’s City Warden’s targeted damage increases by up to 30%.

The Svarog also increases Papasha’s active attack by 10% after an ally performs a support attack, your next active attack’s critical hit rate increases by 10%. Of course, if you’re not lucky enough to roll this SSR weapon, then there are some other great options that we’ve listed in the table below:

Svarog (SSR)When dealing damage, for each debuff the target has, ignore 5% of their defense, up to a maximum of 20%.The targeted damage of the Guardian increases by 15/18/21/24/27/30%. After you or an ally performs a support attack, your next active attack’s critical hit rate increases by 10%, up to a maximum of 15/18/21/24/27/30%.
Unspoken Calling (SSR)If the character moves 5 tiles or more, they gain Movement Boost II at the start of their next action, lasting for 1 turn.Freeze damage dealt by all allied units is increased by 10/12/14/16/18/20%. The value of applied Shield is increased by 10/12/14/16/18/20%. If the user’s Stability index is greater than 0 before using the Ultimate skill, the value of the applied Shield increases by another 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Papasha Submachine Gun (SR)When dealing damage, for each debuff the target has, ignore 5% of their defense, up to a maximum of 20%.Targeted damage dealt to large targets is increased by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.

Best Papasha team comp

Anime girl with a gun

To help support Papasha on the battlefield, you’ll want to pair her with DPS characters that can capitalize on her City Warden summon. So, we recommend using the following team comps to get the best results:

  • Papasha (Summoner)
  • Qiongjiu (DPS) or Makiatto (DPS)
  • Tololo (DPS) or Sharkry (DPS)
  • Suomi (Healer)

Like most GFL2 global team comps, you’ll want to pair her with Qiongjiu/Makiatto or Tololo/Sharkry. Qiongjiu in particular is a great addition here, as the support attack opportunities will ensure you’re constantly unleashing a barrage of bullets onto your foes.

If you’re lucky enough to get hold of the Svarog SMG, then each support attack will increase Papasha’s next active attack’s critical hit rate (up to 30%). So, with this support attack-focused team, you’ll constantly be receiving this deadly buff.

As for the support option, Suomi will be your go-to healer/tank. After all, the added Frozen damage and shielding will give Papasha and your team the best combination of sustain and damage.

Now that you know what the best Papasha weapons and team comp are, be sure to check out our codes page to get some free items you can use on the game’s current banner.

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