Marvel Rivals players furious over progression-halting RNG

Michelle Cornelia
Marvel Rivals characters

Marvel Rivals may had a successful launch, but players are already furious with some of the new missions added to the game.

Marvel Rivals is NetEase’s latest free-to-play 6v6 shooter that has just joined Steam’s list of most-played games. With a roster filled with familiar characters from the franchise, each sporting their own abilities, many players have been delving into the game to try everything it has to offer since launch.

One of the things players could jump into right away is the Entangled Moments event. This event brings many different rewards you can earn by completing a set of missions that are gradually introduced throughout the season.

While the overall requirements to earn the rewards seem straightforward, many players aren’t happy with how some of the missions work as pointed out in a Reddit thread.

Marvel Rivals players are frustrated over map-based missions

The main gripe with the event is that some of the missions are hard to do because they’re tied to specific maps in the game. For example, in the first tab, you have to defeat five enemies as Storm or Captain America with Thorforce’s electrifying enhancement and win three matches in Yggsgard maps.

This mission pattern can also be seen with the other tabs, only with different characters and maps. Since the maps in the game are randomized, you’re not always guaranteed to get the map you need to complete the missions.

Even if you do get the map you want, you’re not always guaranteed to win if your teammates don’t work together, making the overall experience frustrating to players.

One user wrote: “I hate how this game gives you map-based missions, but the maps are all RNG, and it doesn’t want you to map dodge or else you get a timer. And the Hydra map seems to be EXTREMELY rare. I’ve been trying to get it for hours.”

Another commented, “I swear I will be winning every game, and then I get the Hydra base map, and suddenly, my team has the IQ of a donkey when it sees a carrot, and I can’t win.”

On the other hand, a different user is convinced that the devs don’t want players to complete the missions quickly “to keep player retention high,” leading to the map rates being lowered.

“All I got for the last few days was Hydra base and when missions reset yesterday I went a full 6 hours without seeing it once,” they added.

While many users admit they’ve been struggling to complete the missions, some were kind enough to point out that they can actually be done in Practice VS AI, where you’re able to keep leaving matches until you get your preferred map without getting penalized.

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