Marvel Rivals players are getting ’tilted’ over one unexpected reason

Michelle Cornelia
marvel rivals heroes standing in line

Marvel Rivals players have pointed out one thing that’s making them tilted, and this time, it is not related to dealing with an OP character.

As with any other online multiplayer game, playing Marvel Rivals isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. We’ve all had bad days, and no matter how well we play, we’re always bound to experience a team of 5 Duelists or getting punched by Iron Fist without anybody helping, among other annoying things.

Things like these tend to happen, and when they do, it’s no secret that sometimes they’d lead players to play worse because it’s hard to focus when you’re starting to get tilted.

Now, players have pointed out another thing that’s been making them angry – and surprisingly, it’s not related to dealing with OP characters or the lack of role lock in the game.

Marvel Rivals players just want Galacta to shut up

In a Reddit thread discussing whether the game should add announcer packs, many have expressed their frustration by begging devs to add this feature, as they’re fed up with Galacta’s voice lines.

A screenshot featuring Galacta in Marvel Rivals.
A closer look at Galacta, the announcer in-game.

Galacta may not be part of the full roster at the time of writing, but she’s the one character you’d hear really often as she’s been the announcer in the game since the beta period. 

Though with that in mind, many have admitted they’re not a fan of her as she sounds “annoying” to the point it’s affecting them. One user wrote: “No offense to the VA, but Galacta is getting on my nerves. I can’t listen to her without hearing that…THING from League of Legends…”

Another user claimed, “Galacta’s lines are so tilting that I actually get annoyed by the ‘you win’ voice line, so yes, please, any other option would be nice.”

One user even went as far as saying: “For real, it physically hurts my ears, even on low sound and it just pisses me off more.”

Meanwhile, one user mentioned: “Seriously, her voice is so annoying. I’d buy a pack for another announcer immediately, and I haven’t spent a dime on the game yet.”

“She just talks a little too much. The lines that play when you’re massively winning or losing badly are excessive,” one chimed in. If announcer packs do make it to the game, others have suggested that devs add Samuel L Jackson, Jarvis, J. Jonah Jameson, and even Khonshu exclusive for Moon Knight.