Marvel Rivals player reveals “200 IQ” trick to counter Jeff’s ultimate

Michelle Cornelia
A screenshot featuring Jeff the Land Shark in Marvel Rivals.

One Marvel Rivals player has managed to counter the enemy Jeff the Land Shark’s ult in the most unexpected way possible.

When Jeff the Land Shark was first introduced in the Marvel Rivals beta, players were excited to welcome the adorable-looking support character to the roster. Though, fast forward to now and it’s no secret that the little creature has been dubbed as a ‘demon’ or ‘satan,’ becoming the most hated hero.

The hate for this character has been so strong that clips of him getting beaten up by Hulk have surfaced on social media – and it’s all the result of his ultimate. At this point, getting swallowed by Jeff’s ultimate and thrown into your death is a rite of passage for Marvel Rivals players. 

It’s definitely frustrating when this happens to you just when you think you’re about to win, but one user has shared a brilliant trick to counter the shark’s annoying ultimate.

The best counter to Jeff is to give him a taste of his own medicine

As a player has shown in a Reddit thread, one way to counter Jeff’s ultimate is actually to become Jeff himself to save your team. In the clip, the user shared, the enemy Jeff was seen attempting to swim away to spit their allies out into a pit.

Having anticipated this, the user who played as Jeff used their ultimate at the same time and followed the enemy Jeff. And just as they saw their teammates about to fall after getting thrown out, they quickly swallowed them and took them to safety.

Meanwhile, the enemy, Jeff, who got swallowed in the process, ended up being thrown to his death instead. Alone. Watching this revenge was so satisfying that many people flooded the comments to praise the user for their strategy.

“That’s actually 200IQ,” praised one user.

“Use the Jeff to destroy the Jeff,” commented a different user.

On the other hand, one user couldn’t help but say: “I love how enemy Jeff made those cute falling noises before plummeting to his demise.”

“Absolute cinema,” another chimed in.

Aside from mirroring Jeff, it’s worth knowing that Cloak and Dagger is actually another solid option to counter his ultimate. They can give themself and their allies a short period of invulnerability to dodge Jeff’s ultimate with the right timing.