Marvel Rivals’ most hated character is also its cutest

Marvel Rivals has had an explosive launch, and, while some backline divers like Iron Fist and Spider Man have already garnered the ire of players, there’s one character who, despite being one of the cutest little guys ever conceived, is also an absolute menace: Jeff the Land Shark.
Is he the strongest hero in the game? No, probably not. It’s hard to say who will end up being the strongest, though we’ve got a pretty good idea of who’s S-tier for now. However, Jeff is very good in the full release, much better than he was in the beta.
And, now that players have the hang of playing him, people are already tier of getting devoured by Jeff and tossed off the map. Some of the game’s earliest rage moments have been brought about by this cute little demon, and he’s being labelled the most toxic hero in the game just days after launch.
Jeff the Land Shark’s ult enrages Marvel Rivals players
If it wasn’t for Jeff’s ult, he’d be about as innocent as he looks. Sure, he’s kind of hard to hit while he’s under the ground, but his damage is nothing to write home about. It’s all in that ultimate.
Jeff devours everyone in a wide area, both friend and foe, and takes them under the ground. He can choose to spit out allies and enemies separately. This means that, if someone playing Jeff gets a good ult, it’s game over for everyone.
There are some heroes who counter Jeff ult and can easily fly away after being spit out. But, against those characters, Jeff can just throw himself off the map and take out everyone. Teammates and himself included. And, unlike Doctor Strange, he doesn’t even get rewarded for teamkilling.
His ability to completely turn a fight like this has immediately made him public enemy number one for Marvel Rivals players, causing a series of unbelievably feral tweets about the game’s cutest hero.
Many tweets are either of him getting ground pounded by the Hulk or being branded a “demon”, “satan”, or other unsavory language. People either play this hero and love him or don’t and hate him.
And, while he’s the hero getting the most hate out of the entire cast, he’s also getting the most love from those who enjoy having him on his team.
He dives under the ground and hums the Jaws theme. He spits bubbles out and reloads by eating a fish. There’s a lot to love here, and it was a smart move from the developers to put such a toxic move on such a cute character. It’s really hard to be mad at Jeff.
Or, at least it’s hard to be mad at him until you lose the game because he ate you alive and threw himself off a cliff. Silver linings.