Lost Ark tier list: Best characters and classes for PvE & PvP

Lauren Bergin
lost ark assassin deathblade and warrior berserker on arethetine background

Lost Ark presents an array of classes, each uniquely suited for PvE and PvP modes, offering distinct combat perks. Each class brings distinct advantages to battle scenarios, and our tier list helps you choose the most suitable one for every challenge in the game.

Whether you prefer the strength of the Destroyer or the charm of the Bard, selecting the right class is crucial for your gaming experience.

Players can either take on enemies like the dangerous Moake in the game’s PvE mode or they can take on other players in battle in the PvP Proving Grounds. When selecting your class you’ll need to take both of these modes into account.

So without further ado, here’s our Lost Ark tier list which will give you a full rundown of what classes are best for both PvE and PvP.

lost ark warrior player berserker runs at vertus guardian boss
Whether creatures like Vertus are your target or your fellow adventurers; we’ve got you covered.

Best Lost Ark classes: PvE

Given that the vast majority of Lost Ark’s activities are PvE based, you may be looking to optimize your demon slaying with the best Advanced Class.

We’d like to highlight, though, that given the whole story is PvE and you’re stuck with whatever class you choose, you’re best picking a character that synergizes with your own individual playstyle. After all, there’s nothing worse than having to grind on a class you hate.

Up in the S-tier are two Warrior classes: Berserker, and Gunlancer. They’re accompanied once more by the Bard, and the Destroyer. The Paladin class has moved to the top in the most recent meta, thanks to its support skillset.

For PvE-focused players, these are the best characters for you:

Tier Classes
S Bard, Berserker, Gunlancer, Gunslinger
A Artillerist, Arcanist, Deathblade, Glavier, Paladin, Reaper, Sorceress, Striker
B Destroyer, Scrapper, Shadowhunter, Sharpshooter, Soulfist
C Machinist, Deadeye, Wardancer

Best Lost Ark classes: PvP

When it comes to PvP, many may be a little baffled to see the Paladin and Bard at the top of the table. This supportive duo is essential to every 3v3 composition, skyrocketing them up the tier list, but they also perform incredibly well in 1v1 brawls due to the balance between their offensive and healing abilities.

Standing alongside them is the Deathblade, whose fast-paced combat and Assassin-style damage leave her foes in ribbons as she struts into the sunset without a scratch.

These are the best Lost Ark classes for PvP-oriented players:

Tier Classes
S Bard, Deadeye, Deathblade, Gunlancer, Gunslinger, Paladin
A Arcanist, Berserker, Deathblade, Glavier, Machinist, Shadowhunter, Sorceress
B Artillerist, Destroyer Sharpshooter, Reaper, Striker, Wardancer
C Scrapper, Soulfist

So, that’s our Lost Ark tier list for both PvP and PvE, but have you mastered all of Arkesia’s different heroes and heroines yet? If not, we’ve got you covered with our class guides:

ArcanistArtillerist | DeadeyeGunslinger | Sharpshooter | Bard | Sorceress | Deathblade | Shadowhunter |Berserker | Paladin | Gunlancer | Glavier | ReaperScrapper | Soulfist | Striker | Wardancer | Machinist

About The Author

Lauren was formerly Dexerto's Features Editor and resident Diablo Sorceress. With two Master's degrees under her belt and a lot more Steam achievements, she specializes in all things Blizzard and Riot Games, with some Lost Ark and FFXIV on the side.