Warhammer superfan Henry Cavill calls Space Marine 2 “awesome”

Henry Cavill has called Space Marine 2 “the mutt’s [nuts]” (British slang for excellent) and expressed how much he loves the Warhammer 40K game.
Posting to Instagram, the longtime Warhammer fan gushed about Space Marine 2, saying, “Seriously, though, they’ve done pretty well eh? I couldn’t complete the campaign on Angel of Death by myself (or at least didn’t have patience to complete by myself!) which I love!”
He praised the game’s PvP mode especially, saying, “Loving the PvP and am really looking forward to it growing and expanding – It has real potential to be absolutely awesome! Disclaimer: I know nothing about game development so the kind of dreams I have may be rather difficult to implement!”
Henry Cavill’s impressions of Space Marine 2 were highly anticipated, as he’s such a high-profile superfan and member of the 40k community.
He is a lifelong player of the Warhammer 40k tabletop game and lore, and has expressed his love for the franchise on many occasions. He’s also heavily rumored to be involved in an upcoming 40k movie project, playing one of the main characters.
However, the role he’ll be playing, or what aspect of 40k the movie will be about, is still a mystery. Some fans suspect Cavill will play the role of a Space Marine, while others believe he’d be a perfect fit for the Emperor of Mankind, having features similar to those of that character. At least, how the Emperor looked in the 40k backstory.
Others have predicted he could play Horus Lupercal, the Emperor’s son and a figure who led half of the Space Marines against him in rebellion. Whoever he ends up playing, Cavill’s involvement is likely to put plenty of eyes on the Warhammer movie.