Deadlock September 1 patch notes: Viscous nerfs, playtest schedule change & more

Deadlock has released a quick follow-up patch for the August 29 update, with a focus mainly being placed on nerfing Viscous after the hero received a number of buffs.
The August 29 patch was the first one since Deadlock’s existence was acknowledged by Valve, and it had several game-changing balance adjustments.
This patch hasn’t changed too much, but enough to be worth noting. From the big Infernus nerf to his 2’s slow resistance to some substantial nerfs for Viscous, enough is changing that you should be aware of it. If you aren’t aware of the August 29 changes, you can read up on them here.
Here are the full patch notes for the September 1 Deadlock update:
Deadlock September 1 full patch notes
Playtest schedule change explained
Valve dev Yoshi explained that there’d be a schedule change going live alongside this patch, but it’s a fairly minor one.
Labor Day will have weekend playtest hours despite being a on a Monday, but there won’t be any changes beyond that. At least, not for now. It’s worth mentioning that the playtest hours have expanded a few times since Deadlock’s Alpha first started up, so it’d be no surprise to see a more permanent change soon.
For now, though, those who are trying to get matches in on the September 2 holiday will have a lot more time to queue.
General Changes
- Rope climb speed increased from 11 to 13
- Rope activation range increased from 2.2m to 2.4m
- Fixed an HTML parsing exploit with builds
Hero Changes

- Flame Dash now has 30% Slow Resistance
- Air Drop self cast time reduced from 2 to 1.3
- Storm Cloud Spirit Power DPS scaling reduced from 0.8 to 0.7
- Puddle Punch base cast range from 60m to 40m
- Puddle Punch T2 damage from +50 to +35
- Puddle Punch base cooldown increased from 24 to 28
- Puddle Punch now knocks people less high into the air
- Base clip reduced from 24 to 20, Alt Fire now requires 5 bullets