Concord’s few remaining players are throwing matches to race for its Platinum trophy

With Concord’s imminent shutdown set in stone, the few players who still have their hands on copies of the game are literally throwing themselves off a cliff to try to get its Platinum trophy before servers go down for good.
The same could be true of Steam, but people aren’t nearly as invested in achievements on that platform as they are in Platinum trophies on PlayStation.
There are people like YouTuber Joelemz, who have made a living based around getting Platinum trophies, with them recording their journey through every trophy in the game to get that infamous Platinum.
Soon, Concord’s Platinum has a chance of being the crown jewel in any Playstation trophy hunter’s cabinet, especially considering that it may be impossible to get it already if you haven’t been grinding.
One of the biggest hurdles is the grind to level 100, as there is no way around it other than investing time into the game. Or, at least, that’d be true if it wasn’t for players purposely throwing matches to gain XP fast.
Several clips of this practice have surfaced, with The Washington Post’s Gene Park hopping into a random match to confirm players are doing this.
There’s a certain level of irony to this considering Concord’s status as one of gaming’s biggest flops of all time, and that the core game itself was pretty good.
For the people out there who want to get at this Platinum trophy, it may already be too late for several reasons. Getting to level 100 takes a significant amount of grinding as it is, but the game has also been completely de-listed from both the PlayStation Store and Steam.
What’s more, less than 1% of players have the Platinum trophy at the time of writing according to PSN Profiles, a total of 12 players.
And, if the meta becomes players jumping off a cliff before the game even starts, it’ll be extremely difficult to get trophies related to achievements gained by playing the game normally.
Considering how poorly the game sold, there may be literally dozens of players who have this trophy by the time it shuts down.