Best Conan Exiles mods to download in 2025

Mods in Conan Exiles are a fun way to tailor your experience and change the game to your liking. You can even use them to make things easier or ramp up the challenge.
Conan Exiles takes a lot of time to master and many of its systems and rules may seem restrictive to some players. Mods are an excellent way to make adjustments, however, and tailor the experience to suit your preferred playstyle.
Below you’ll find out choices of the best Conan Exiles mods out there, and how to install and enable them in your game.
Conan Exiles character mods
The below mods are designed to tailor the player character, either cosmetically or by adjusting their skills and abilities:
Elite Conan
The Elite Conan mod doubles the level cap, letting players reach level 100 and become a god among insects.
While some will find they become a little overpowered, this is a fun mod for those who want to experience Conan Exiles without limitations and become the Conan of legend.
- Download the Elite Conan mode here
Increased Weight
This mod stops your character from becoming over-encumbered and allows you to carry as much as you want. This is incredibly helpful as it allows you to carry all your favorite gear and cosmetics anywhere you like.
It’s most useful to players who love building things, as they can carry all their supplies everywhere they go without needing to deposit them anywhere. If carry weight is something that annoys or weighs you down, get rid of it for good with this mod.
- You can get the Increased Weight mod here.
This mod does exactly what it suggests, it helps players pick up more items. But the main draw is that it allows players to pick up items they’ve spent or already used.
For example, if you’ve used all your bricks to build a house you can pick these all back up and unbuild that house. The base game will let players unbuild, but their resources will be spent regardless. This turns the player into recycling royalty.
- Download Pickup+ here.
Immersive Animations
This adds a range of new animations to the game to make it more lifelike. NPCs and players will incorporate these animations into their move set in a natural way which makes things feel more realistic and immersive.
Players can decide which animations they want to add and which ones they can live without, but it’s a great way to bring fresh life to an aging game.
- You can download Immersive Animations here.
Immersive Armors
This mod is ideal for players who want plenty of armor and customization options for their character. It adds over 400+ items to the game, including new pieces of armor, weapons, accessories, and jewelry to wear.
If creating a stylish appearance is something you enjoy in RPGs, then this is an ideal mod to use.
- You can download Immersive Armors here.
Edit Appearance
This mod is perfect for anyone who wants to change up their character’s appearance or simply isn’t satisfied with how they look after the initial character creation.
You can adjust character appearance, as well as thralls, and workstation thralls. From makeup and warpaint to different armor dyes, this is a great tool for customization.
- Download the Edit Appearance mod here
Up to Level 120
This is a fairly simple mod that lets players continue to level their character in Conan Exiles.
Rather than maxing out at level 60, you can continue to grind up to level 120 as you explore the world and take on more missions. It’s a great mod for those who don’t feel satisfied with where the base game caps leveling.
- Download Up to Level 120 here
Barbarian Barbers
This one is similar to the armor mod we’ve mentioned above but instead of armor and weapons, you’ll get access to 170+ hairstyles and beard options for your character.
Whether you just want to rock a new do or go for a more practical cut, there are a tonnes of options within the Barbarian Barbers mod.
- Download the Barbarian Barbers mod here.
Building, items, and customization mods
The below mods are for those who want to make changes to building, crafting mechanics or weapons. We’ve also added mods that change items and how they’re used in this section as well:
This popular mod is for those who love building in Conan Exiles and don’t want to be restricted by the limitations of the base game.
It allows players to adjust the dimensions of their builds, creating more elaborate structures by using corners and slopes. It’s particularly brilliant when used in combination with other building mods.
- Download Pythagoras here.
Increased item stack
The increased item stack mod works very well with the above Craft all the things mod because this one actually gives you the materials you need to craft anything and everything.
Conan Exiles vanilla mode limits the items you can hold to 100, but this mod eliminates this, letting you stack up to 1000 items. Trust us, this will be plenty.
- You can download Increased item stack here.
Put Them Away
It can be pretty frustrating when all you want to do if craft some items in Conan Exiles but all the materials you need are scattered around everywhere.
This handy mod eliminates that issue and speeds up the crafting process by letting you bring all the items you need to your backpack or, as the name suggests, put them away as needed.
Download the Put Them Away mod here.
Teleport Stone
The Teleport Stone mod adds a fast travel system to the game, not unlike the one that appeared in Dragon’s Dogma. Teleport Stones can be farmed and used to travel instantly to specific locations.
This means players no longer need to die to warp back to their settlements or trudge across dangerous terrain. The main advantage of this mod is the time it saves players traversing the map.
- You can download the Teleport Stone mod here
Unlimited Durability
This mod essentially makes weapons and armor indestructible, without ever needing to be repaired or unequipped. While durability is a fun RPG element to some, it’s an annoyance to others.
The Unlimited Durability mod means that you no longer need to worry about their items degrading mid-combat. It turns off this element of the game, giving players one less thing to worry about.
- Download Unlimited Durability here.
Increased Two-Handed Weapon damage
If you prefer blasting through your enemies with two-handed weapons like Axes then this mod is great.
This will directly increase the damage you cause with any two-handed weapon in Conan Exiles, impacting swords, axes, katanas, hammers, blades, and spears.
Download Increased Two-Handed Weapon damage here.
Berserk Arsenal
If you’re an anime fan this mod could be ideal for you. The Berserk Arsenal mod adds a tonne of new weapons and unique movesets that are inspired by the beloved Berserk anime & manga. It also makes it possible for players to fight on horseback while wielding select weapons.
Although it was initially shared in October 2023, this mod is still getting regular updates as of November 2024 with fresh weapon styles, armor, and new appearances.
You can download the Berserk Arsenal mod here.

Gameplay mods
The following mods make changes to the overall gameplay rather than the character, items, or building options:
Offline mode
Offline mode turns Conan Exiles into a solo experience for as long as you want it to be. This lets players explore the world alone without interference from other players and get on with questing and building.
Some players prefer going solo and this mod is an excellent way to turn Conan Exiles into your own personal playground. It also removes all the log-ins and server menus, letting you jump straight into the action.
- Download Offline mode mod here.
Exiles Map Markers
This mod is helpful as it 390 map markers to the game immediately which makes tracking quests, and paths generally a lot easier as you won’t need to constantly reference the game’s manual map.
It’s not the most exciting mod in the world but it’s definitely useful.
- Download Map Markers mod here.
Pippi user & server management
The Pippi user and server management tool is a mod for server admins and hosts, letting them change the game’s usual restrictions.
Admins can change the game to let in more players, map systems, chat options, rules and so much more. It essentially lets hosts tailor the game to their liking rather than sticking to the standard server rules in the base game.
- Download Pippi user & server management here.
Boss HP lowered (single player only)
Most of the epic boss battles in Conan Exiles are geared around multiplayer, where a squad of players work together to tackle one large enemy.
This mod reduces the HP of each of these bosses so that a solo player can tackle them one-on-one. It changes the dynamic drastically, turning boss encounters less like something from Monster Hunter and more like something from Bloodborne. However, it’s only worth using in single-player mode, otherwise, it will make bosses too easy.
- Download Boss HP lowered here.
Custom UI mod
This mod lets you customize a huge amount of things in Conan Exiles UI to make navigating a much easier experience as everything can be tweaked to your personal preference.
You’ll have over 50 UI options to change and customize as you see fit, so it’s well worth experimenting if you do install it.
- You can download the Custom UI mod here.
Rhino WarMount
If you’re looking for a new mount to use in Conan Exiles, this modded Rhino from creator TheLich is incredibly cool. When it’s not being used as a mount to traverse the world, the Rhino will act as a fighting thrall.
It can attack and guard with you. Setting it to long-range will also unleash a strong Charge Attack against enemies.
You can download the Rhino WarMount here.
Immersive Routines
This is a mod that lets you easily set up routines for the thralls around your base, so they can do designated tasks and patrol the area as needed.
It gives your thralls clear directions and means you won’t have to worry about reassigning them to do different tasks all the time. You can also make sure they all get scheduled time off from their duties via the mods menu as well.
Download the Immersive Routines mod here.
Spiders to Scorpions
This is a mod that any arachnophobes will appreciate as it turns all the spiders in Conan Exiles into a scorpions instead.
It preserves the spider’s original attack patterns and timings so you’ll have to deal with plenty of poison if you want to get passed these scorpions. There’s also a variety of color variants for all the scorpions you’ll find after applying the mod. Essentially, if spiders really creep you out this is a must-have.
You can download Spiders to Scorpions here.
Photorealistic Raytracing
This is a visual mod that adds a photorealistic reshape preset to Conan Exiles, greatly enhancing the graphics.
If you’re more used to modern graphics and want to bring the RPG up to the current standard, this is the ideal mod to use.
Download Photorealistic Raytracing here.
How to install mods & enable mods
Install mods
You can add mods to Conan Exiles by using the Steam Workshop. Here’s a step-by-step rundown of how the process works:
- Download the mod you’d like from the links below.
- Open your game panel in Steam and select the Steam Workshop.
- In the new window, search for the mod you want and select the green Install button.
- The installation process should now begin. Once completed, return to the Steam Workshop.
- Restart the application and when you log back in, your mods should be available in Conan Exiles.
If you’re playing an older version of the game that’s not on Stream, then follow this information here to get your mods installed.
Enable mods
To enable mods in Conan Exiles, just follow the steps below:
- Open the game’s main menu and scroll down to about halfway.
- Select the Mods option.
- This will bring up a menu that displays all the installed mods you currently have.
- Select the arrow button on each mod to place that mod into the Active Mods list.
- Click Apply Changes and close the menu.
Those are the best Conan Exiles mods we’d recommend downloading! For even more mods, check out our picks for the best Skyrim, Baldur’s Gate 3, Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero, and Stalker 2 ones.