All upcoming Girls’ Frontline 2 characters

James Busby
Anime girls sitting around a table

Girls Frontline 2 banners constantly add new characters to the tactical gacha game that shake up the current meta tier list and there are a lot of upcoming units to come.

Knowing which Dolls to save your hard-earned Collapse Pieces and Targeted Access Permissions can be rather tricky in Girls Frontline 2. This is especially true when you don’t know anything about the upcoming units. 

Fortunately, our handy hub below has everything you need to know about all the upcoming GFL2 characters and exactly who should be on your radar. 


Anime girl with a gun
  • Rarity: SSR 
  • Class: Bulwark
  • Damage: Electric

Andoris is an Electric unit that can summon two patrolling Turrets, which inflict nearby enemies with Electric damage. These targeted hits also trigger action support hits, meaning your team will be able to weave in extra attacks alongside the turret. 

If summonable turrets weren’t exciting enough, Andoris can buff her team’s defensive capabilities and apply two stacks of Cover and Positive Charge for three turns to all friendly humanoid units.

Additionally, when any allies with Positive Charge take damage Andoris’ passive shares 45% of the raw damage with them. She will also heal 20% of her max HP when attacking enemy units with Negative Charge, giving herself and her team great survivability. 


Anime girl with a gun
  • Rarity: SSR
  • Class: Vanguard
  • Damage: Electric

Belka is an SSR Electric character who deals more damage whenever Negative Charges are active on the field. She is particularly potent when facing boss enemies as her damage increases by 15% whenever they have Negative Charge. 

Applying the Negative Charge debuff is also incredibly easy thanks to her passive, Secret Forest Stash. This allows players to apply the debuff to the nearest enemy before Belka attacks. 

When you pair this with Andoris’ Electrical debuff, you’ll have a team that can consistently capitalize off the extra damage. 


Anime girl with a gun
  • Rarity: SSR
  • Class: Support
  • Damage: Burn

Centaureissi is an upcoming Support character who uses her deadly fire-based attacks to damage opponents, which, in turn, heals the nearest allied characters. Her Ultimate (Afternoon Tea Break) notably restores 100% of her attack power as HP to all friendly units, cleanses two debuffs, and restores up to seven points of Stability Damage to one unit. 

Her AoE heal is also tailored around Centaureissi’s damage, healing 150% of her attack power as HP to the target and all friendly units within a three-tile radius. Centaureissi is one of the most fun Supports in the game, especially since you get rewarded for maxing out her DPS and dealing damage to enemy units. This deadly Elite Doll will be a must-have for any player looking to build a Burn team. 


Anime girl with a gun
  • Rarity: SSR
  • Class: Vanguard
  • Damage: Unknown

Faye is one of the latest Vanguard characters to be added in GFL2, with her banner releasing on December 12 on the Chinese server. Not much is currently known about her kit, other than she wields a handgun and uses an Axe for both close-range-mid-range counters. We’ll update this section once further details have been released. 


Anime girl with a gun
  • Rarity: SSR
  • Class: Sentinel
  • Damage: Electric

Jiangyu is another SSR Electric character who synergizes off enemies that have received Electric debuffs, which means she works well with Andoris and Belka. If her Masterful Thunderstrike kills an enemy, she’ll deal 30% of her attack power to all enemy targets within two tiles of her original target. 

Her Focused Strike also dispels two buffs from her enemy and buffs her damage by 10% for each buff that is removed. 


Anime girl with a gun
  • Rarity: SSR
  • Class: Sentinel 
  • Damage: Corrosion

Klukai made waves on the Chinese server and for good reason. She is one of the best characters in the entire game thanks to her amazing AoE skills that enable her to blast multiple enemies with Corrosion damage. 

Having a kit that can melt through waves of enemy units and provide defensive debuffs is just ridiculously OP. To make matters even better, Klukai’s AoE attacks constantly trigger Peritya’s Action Supports, meaning you’ll be dealing even more damage on top of every attack. 

Klukai is the one character that every player should be saving for no matter if you are free to play or a whale, everyone needs this OP unit. 


Anime girl with a gun
  • Rarity: SSR
  • Class: Support
  • Damage: Electric

Lenna is a Support character who wields an SMG that delivers AoE Electric damage. She can also apply Voltage tiles to the battlefield and turn invisible when her Confectance Index is higher than three.

You’ll constantly need to ensure Lenna’s Confectance Index is higher than three as this will also enhance Active Skill – Leaping Pursuit. She is also immune to the debuffs from Voltage tiles which makes her useful in Electric teams. 


Anime girl with a gun
  • Rarity: SSR 
  • Class: Support
  • Damage: Corrosion 

Mechty is another SSR character that has been tailor-made for the OP Peritya and Klukai team comp. Her Corrosive AoE skill deals 130% damage based on her attack and leaves behind a toxic tile that damages enemies. 

Her Dream Guardian and Nightmare Shield skills also give her allies great survivability, allowing you to keep pressing the attack with the deadly Peritya/Klukai combo. 


Anime girl with a gun
  • Rarity: SSR
  • Class: Bulwark
  • Damage: Burn

Peri is the latest character to be added to Girls’ Frontline 2’s roster. This pint-sized girl is a member of the Bulwark class who is known for her deadly basic attacks.

According to translations by Ceia, Peri consumes her own HP to unleash multiple basic attacks. She can also provide a shield to herself, which helps to counter the HP loss from her Active and gives her some added survivability. 

With her being so new to the game, it’s hard to see where she will form within the meta but she’ll likely thrive within burn teams. 


Anime girl with a gun
  • Rarity: SSR
  • Class: Support
  • Damage: Hydro

Springfield is another unit that has quickly risen to the top of CN Girls’ Frontline 2 tier list rankings thanks to her amazing heals. Not only does her Ultimate deal AoE Hydro damage to all enemies within nine tiles, but it restores allied HP, provides two points of Confectance Index, cleanses one debuff, and removes Taunt and Evade debuffs. 

Having a Sniper class that can provide long-range heals with her robot hawk and Hydro damage is super powerful, so be sure to save for Springfield. 


Anime girl with a gun
  • Rarity: SSR
  • Class: Support
  • Damage: Burn

Vector is a character who delivers deadly AoE Burn attacks and debuffs, engulfing the battlefield in scorching hot flames. Just like Sharky, Vector gains an extra command after using her Ult, giving her two actions to set up some devastating plays. 

She does even more damage if her enemy has been hit by Burn debuffs, making her a great addition to any fire-based team comps. 


  • Rarity: SSR
  • Class: Vanguard
  • Damage: Hydro

Zhaohui is a Hydro Vanguard unit that uses a combination of SMG and whip attacks. Her whip has a range of four tiles and can pierce through all enemies within her chosen direction, dealing huge amounts of Physical damage. 

Her Ultimate (Azure Leap) is essentially a teleport, allowing Zhaohui to leap towards any Homing Arrows within a nine-tile radius, damaging the closest target and hitting them with Stasis. This move can be used to aggressively rush down a priority target or escape from lethal damage.

So, there you have it, that’s every upcoming character in Girls’ Frontline 2. For more on the game, check out the upcoming events, and the codes you can redeem.

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