Where is Godzilla in Fortnite? All spawn locations

Josh Taylor
Fortnite Godzilla on the Chapter 6 Season 1 map.

Godzilla has a chance of spawning via portals during Fortnite Battle Royale matches. While the locations may appear random, there are specific spawn points that make finding the legendary Kaiju easier.

Epic’s January 17 update finally released Godzilla to wreak havoc across this season’s island. If you are lucky enough to be first through the portals, you can become him and use his mighty abilities to wipe out enemy players with ease.

Here’s a breakdown of all the locations where you can find the King of Monsters in Fortnite, the spawn rate, and how to use all his abilities.

All Godzilla spawn locations

There are seven distinct Godzilla portal locations scattered across the Fortnite map, where you can enter to transform into the legendary kaiju. However, only one portal will spawn per match, meaning there’s only one place on the map where you can become Godzilla.

Fortnite Godzilla spawn locations.
Godzilla portal spawn locations are numbered on the island map.

All the portal locations are marked on the Chapter 6 Season 1 island map above, with corresponding numbers displayed on the image and detailed in the list below:

  1. Pumped Power: In the bottom right corner of the Pumped Power POI.
  2. Lost Lake: Just below the Lost Lake location.
  3. Nightshift Forest: At the Battle’s End landmark, southeast of the forest.
  4. Seaport City: In the top left corner of the city.
  5. Next to Seaport City: Below the city POI the portal can be found on the small hill.
  6. Masked Meadows: Just outside Masked Meadows, to the east of the neighborhood.
  7. Hopeful Heights: Next to the road heading out from the north side of the location.

How rare is it to find and become Godzilla?

godzilla fortnite spawn rate

Godzilla now has a 60% chance of spawning in each Battle Royale match, meaning he won’t appear in every game. This spawn rate was reduced in an update on January 27, after being previously boosted to 100%.

However, developers have confirmed that Godzilla will return to spawn in every match on January 31, marking the final day of the Godzilla vs. Kong event. Afterward, both Godzilla and Kong will be removed from the island.

The portal will randomly spawn at one of these seven locations, and you’ll be notified during your match via a red-and-white pop-up message that reads: “Godzilla portal is open!” (as shown in the image above).

The first player to enter the portal will instantly become Godzilla on the map. Since many players are eager to control the kaiju, it’s crucial to be quick—either position yourself near one of the portals or race to it before others do.

If the portal spawns on the other side of the map, your chances of reaching it in time are slim. Be prepared for some luck to be involved, as it may take several attempts and even a few hours before you finally get the chance to transform into Godzilla.

How to play as Godzilla

Upon entering a Godzilla portal, you will transform into the colossal kaiju on the map. A massive health bar will appear, and you’ll gain access to three unique abilities, all of which are detailed below:

AbilityWhat it doesHow to perform
RoarReveals nearby players after doing a roar.Jump button
Mighty Stomp AttackStomps the ground and launches players away.Aim button
Heat RayFires a large beam that deals high damage to players and structures.Fire button

The player who inflicts the most damage on the kaiju will be rewarded with the coveted Godzilla Medallion, granting a recharging dash ability (with up to three charges at a time) and the Burst Quad Launcher.

The King of Monsters roared into Fortnite with the launch of his Godzilla Evolved skin, unlocked through extra Battle Pass tiers. Additionally, the Mechagodzilla skin became available in the Item Shop, alongside his rival Kong, who briefly appeared at the start of matches through a rift.

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