Fortnite pro literally falls asleep during tournament and costs his teammates

Theo Salaun

The professional Fortnite community was all drama during and after the March 11 EpikWhale Cup, as Deyy fell asleep, missed an entire match and got flamed by his teammates, specifically FaZe Cented, on Twitter.

Deyy has already earned over $75,000 in his Fortnite career despite still being in school and needing to wake up at 8 a.m. on most weekdays. As such, his team with Commandment, FaZe Cented, and NRG Edgey was considered to be one of the very best in the EpikWhale Cup.

Unfortunately, that school schedule proved to be too difficult a situation to juggle, as the upcoming young player fell asleep and missed the first of his team’s five matches. Within moments, the team’s drama spilled over across Twitter.

Cented just got signed to FaZe Clan on the same day as the tournament and evidently wanted to celebrate that by continuing to grind. The biggest obstacle to that goal? Deyy’s need for sleep.

fortnite deyy nap

While Deyy’s initial tweet seemed pretty innocuous, there was obviously bad blood bubbling up. The napper passively complained about his teammates being grouchy about his slumber, only to find out that there was more at hand.

It remains unknown what kind of dialogue happened behind the scenes, specifically with Commandment and Edgey — but Deyy and Cented truly opened the can of worms on Twitter.

fortnite cented deyy drama

“We specifically told you to make sure you were awake, vibes were bad … you fell asleep during semis … went afk [away from keyboard] to facetime people three to four times.” As Cented explained, the issues with Deyy’s behavior were not solely restricted to the infamous nap.

While the sleepy shooter responded that he didn’t care because he had “school 8 a.m. in the morning,” the drama didn’t stop there.

fortnite cented angry

As Cented later clarified, “Fortnite isn’t a hobby. It’s my job and dream to be the best.” 

Committed to improvement and to making a strong start to his FaZe career, it’s obvious that the player had higher expectations for himself and those around him. Instead, he found Deyy’s behavior and nap incident to be emblematic of ‘disrespect’ and treating the game like a “hobby.”

In the aftermath of the drama, Deyy received a lot of heat on social media, posted some heated tweets himself, deactivated and then re-activated his account, before finally posting a Twitlonger to clear the air.

deyy twitlonger

On his end, Cented also spoke out, asking people to “tone down” their comments and accusations toward Deyy and reminding everyone that the napper is just 15 years old.

At the moment, the team’s results are still in fine standings, but they appear to be dismantling moving forward. Ignoring Twitter accusations against Deyy, real fans are hoping he can bounce back and prove his doubters wrong with strong, awake performances on a new team.