Fortnite pro apologizes after DreamHack Dallas fight breaks out

Zackerie Fairfax
fortnite dreamhack fight

During the DreamHack Dallas LAN Fortnite tournament, two players got into a fist fight after one of them reportedly griefed the other, preventing a crucial win.

DreamHack Dallas is a three-day gaming event hosting everything like Rocket League, CS:GO, and FGC tourneys. During the event, pro Fortnite players were invited to compete for a $25,000 LAN tournament.

On the cusp of placing first and taking home the largest slice of the pot, DiegoPlayz was stopped short after another player who he claims intentionally threw the tournament just to derail him.

This led Diego to seek out the griefer to start a fist fight at the convention. A small portion of the scuffle was caught on camera before the players were separated.

Diego apologizes for DreamHack fist fight

After the event, Diego took to Twitter where he posted a twitlonger expressing his regret for the incident. He apologized to DreamHack as well as the other player and their family.

“It feels horrible being so close to winning a LAN event and then having someone purposely taking away what I’ve been grinding so hard for,” Diego said. “With that being said I should have not reacted the way I did.”

However, a large number of Diego’s followers felt the apology was unnecessary.

“Personally if that was me I wouldn’t even say sorry”, one user commented, while another stated, “If I got griefed for 8k I’m doing the same”

According to Reverse2k, another pro Fortnite player, Diego was in first place going into the last round of DreamHack. This was when the offending player landed on Diego and started to grief him causing him to lose the tournament.

DreamHack has yet to respond to the incident, and neither party has been banned from future LAN/in-person events. We will make sure to update our readers if and when this story develops.

About The Author

Zackerie is a former Senior Writer for Dexerto who covered a wide variety of games and entertainment. He has a degree in Creative Writing and was previously the editor of The LaRue County News. Zackerie switched to games media in 2020 writing for outlets such as Screen Rant, Fortnite INTEL, and Charlie INTEL.