14 Days of Fortnite challenge and reward for Day 10 has been leaked

Right on schedule, data miners have once again dug into the game files of Fortnite to uncover the next 14 Days of Fortnite challenge and reward prior to release. 

No challenge or reward is safe from data miners in Fortnite, as each day they have managed to unearth new information on the upcoming events for the 14 Days of Fortnite event. 

As we near the end of the 14-day event, things haven’t changed at all with the latest leak on December 27. 

While the challenge leaks have been hit and miss as Epic Games continues to keep everyone guessing, the reward leaks have been spot on each day. As such, players can expect this to be the reward for Day 10 of the event.  

Day 10 will bring another item for players to unlock.

Given that there are only five challenges left on the list of previously leaked challenges, it’s become a bit easier to predict what’s coming next during the event. 

It’s also been noted that each challenge has been increasing in quantity each day, such as dancing in front of nine Holiday Trees on Day 9.  

14 Days of Fortnite has given players a new item every single day.

While not confirmed, the next challenge is believed to be “Destroy different snowflake decorations,” which players will have to do 10 times given that it’s Day 10 of the event. 

Of course, there has been no official confirmation on the matter and we don’t find out until the challenge unlocks on December 28 whether this is indeed the next challenge. 

Once the challenge and reward do go live, we’ll have a guide on how to complete it as quickly as possible. 

In the meantime, head over to our official 14 Days of Fortnite hub for guides on the previous challenges through Day 9.