Where is FaZe Rain? YouTuber walks again after drug abuse leaves him in wheelchair

Fans of one of FaZe Clan’s biggest stars, Nordan ‘Rain’ Shat, are absolutely relieved as the YouTuber has been seen walking again for the first time in months, after some serious drug abuse left him wheelchair-bound.
In the last few years, fans have seen a new and unsettling side of FaZe Rain, as he has dealt with numerous issues ranging from mental health troubles to drug abuse.
Things really took a turn when Rain’s drug abuse spilled onto his social media and it became immediately apparent to fans that something was up with the former CoD YouTuber.
He was kicked out of the FaZe house in May 2020 and has had a turbulent time since then, finally conceding that he had messed up and revealing he had been left paralyzed by his drug use. Now, the star is back creating content again, so here’s what happened and what he’s up to now, and truly looking on his way back up to the top.
When happened with FaZe Rain?
FaZe Rain was very active on Instagram throughout the summer of 2020, during a period that left fans worried and even prompted fellow FaZe Clan members Teeqo and Nikan to intervene. During an alarming Instagram Live appearance, he was using various drugs, with his FaZe cohorts suggesting that he was “promoting” them to his younger viewers.
It definitely seemed to kick things into gear though, with Rain then announcing his aims to get clean, with infrequent but promising posts that provided a little more hope for fans.
What is FaZe Rain up to now?
As of March 2021, Rain has officially returned to YouTube and Twitch. On March 12, he posted a new video to his YouTube channel, explaining what had been going on with him and revealing that he was now wheelchair-bound.
In the video, he vows never to return to that state, but also says that he’s working with the best doctors to get back on his feet. He was suffering enormous amounts of pain and was unable to put his weight down on his legs — but that looks to be on the mend.
He has been regularly streaming on Twitch, predominantly playing Warzone and some GTA RP with other FaZe Clan members.
- Read More: Cloakzy officially parts ways with FaZe Clan
During his return stream, Rain detailed how he wasn’t a drug addict, and will easily stay off them, but says he was “addicted to dying,” with drugs being his idea of the best way to make that happen.
He details the rough mental state he was in frequently, even saying that he can’t remember around three months of the drug abuse at its peak.
In a YouTube video uploaded on March 28, Rain detailed just how bad the pain was at its peak, explaining that it’s still not gone away entirely. He also discussed the hard time that he had in the hospital, giving viewers a new insight into his struggle.
The video received a huge amount of support from fans, who expressed how much the creator has inspired them, wishing him well for the future.
FaZe Rain back on his feet
On Sunday, September 26, after months of being unable to walk unassisted or without a wheelchair, Rain uploaded a video to Instagram, showing him walking around almost as good as new.
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Rain received an insane level of support in response to the video, especially from his fellow FaZe Clan members, gassing him up for what is likely one of the most momentous occasions in his life so far.
Rain is clearly on an upwards trajectory, and it’ll be interesting to see where he goes from here.