Twitch streamer Nico opens up on “scary” stalker experience

Andrew Amos

Twitch streamer Nico is the latest female broadcaster to open up on a “scary” stalker experience while on the platform. She asked her followers to not “fall in love with streamers” after one community member wrote an intimate 246-page blog about her.

Nico, who has nearly 80,000 followers on the platform, is a variety streamer who played everything from Apex Legends to Animal Crossing. She has a close-knit community, averaging hundreds of viewers every stream. However, one of her viewers stepped across the line, leading to a “scary” experience. This viewer, who Nico said “has always been kind in chat, showed up when they could, and always seemed like a chill dude,” maintained a blog romanticizing the streamer in a “deeply delusional” way. “I am informed that there is a blog about me that’s been going on for about 5 years of him being ‘deeply delusional’ about me,” she said in a Twitlonger. Nico shared details about the blog ⁠— without linking it ⁠— claiming that she “couldn’t even stomach” the intimate posts. They varied from the viewer being overly attached to Nico’s comments on streams, to getting angry at her “for not having the same interests and hobbies as he does.” Some of the posts left the streamer feeling “physically ill.” “This person watched many of my streams and took anything I said in any general context and made it about him. ‘Connecting dots’ in ways where if I wore a shirt that he had general interest in, he thought I wore it for him,” she said.

“One post he states that he tells one of his friends that it’s official between the two of us and that it feels ‘surreal’ and that it’s all in his mind. This one was the f**king scariest for me.” “He talks about calling me his girlfriend. There are posts stating that I am his girlfriend, that he wants to know what it’s like to call me his girlfriend, how to ask a Twitch streamer out, and even has a post where he says he has a dream about someone putting a ring on him, and that it was [me].”

Nico on Twitch streaming Animal Crossing
Nico was made aware of the harassment earlier in February.
The streamer barely interacted with the viewer privately, sending two messages across 2020 about a raid, as well as a “happy holiday response.” “He goes on about how our communication methods don’t match. Let’s be honest…of course they don’t. Because there are no reasons that they need to. I’m not dating you. At all. You are a community member. How do I owe you that much conversation outside stream?”

The streamer heeded a warning to viewers to not “fall in love with streamers,” and that streamers need to protect themselves from this kind of harassment. “I don’t think I am overreacting. This is not my fault.” Nico has received an outpouring of support from fans and fellow streamers, some who have experienced the same harassment. “I appreciate all of the responses and my heart is so heavy for everyone who responded with similar situations,” she said in a follow-up tweet.