Twitch streamer blown away after Tony Hawk sends him a surprising message

Michael Gwilliam
Tony Hawk sends streamer a message

A Twitch streamer celebrating his third year on the platform was shocked after his viewers surprised him with a message from skateboarding legend Tony Hawk.

DSKoopa is known for his IRL broadcasts that take place in his game store, called ‘Pink Gorilla,’ and all the shenanigans that come with operating a business.

On March 3, the streamer uploaded a video he’d been sent by his viewers, which featured a special message from Tony Hawk – and the result was pretty amazing.

Like many other professionals, be it actors or sports stars, Tony Hawk lets fans ask him to send personalized messages through the website Cameo.

“Hey, what’s up, Cody?” Hawk began. “I just want to congratulate you on three years of livestreaming on Twitch.”

“And I heard that you, uh, can land 60-80% of kickflips attempted on stream,” he added with a smirk on his face. “Is that true? That’s pretty good. I’m not going to lie, I don’t think I could beat that, especially under pressure. Unless you put me on a ramp.”

Two of Cody’s most-viewed Twitch clips are of him doing just that – skateboarding tricks. In one, from two years ago, the streamer was able to perform a 360 kickflip on an Xbox 360. Pretty meta.

The other, however, must have been one of those rare kickflip fails, as he botched the trick on a traditional skateboard. He managed to turn the failed trick around into discussing games in his store before trying the trick again and failing even worse.

Nonetheless, it’s clear the streamer enjoys skateboarding so this message from one of the greats probably made his day.

“You’re living the dream,” Tony Hawk said near the end of the clip. “So keep killing it, good luck with Pink Gorilla Games and congrats again.”

We can only hope that the streamer can continue his success, and maybe even one day compete against Tony Hawk himself in some capacity. Until then, however, he can keep on practicing in his store.