Man launches ‘villain for hire’ service where people take him down to become heroes

Kawter Abed
Villain for hire

A Malaysian entrepreneur, who often gets told he looks like a gang member, has turned his tough-guy look into a business venture, where people can pay to play the vigilante.

Shazali Sulaiman has gained widespread attention on social media after offering a unique “villain for hire” service designed to help people step into the hero role for their partners.

On January 8, the 28-year-old introduced his service online, promoting it as a way for clients to showcase their masculinity and impress their significant others. “Are you tired of your partner thinking you are weak? For a reasonable fee, I can help you prove them wrong,” he wrote on Facebook.

The Malaysian entrepreneur explained that all clients needed to do was provide the time and location, and he would show up to “harass” their partner, giving them the opportunity to prove their strength by taking him down.

Sulaiman also posted a photo of himself with messy hair and an unlit cigarette, playing up his tough-guy persona. He mentioned that people often tell him he looks like a gang member, which sparked the idea to turn that image into a business venture and earn some extra income.

The villain-for-hire service is said to cost 100 ringgit (about $22) on weekdays and 150 ringgit on weekends. Additional fees are applied for clients outside the city, depending on travel distance.

Sulaiman provides his service to both men and women and has already helped friends and family. At the time of writing, his earnings have not been revealed.

He shared a recent case in which a man hired him at a shopping center. “When the boyfriend went to the bathroom, I pretended to ‘harass’ his girlfriend. When he returned, he confronted me like a hero,” Sulaiman explained.

However, some social media users have raised concerns about the legality of his service, particularly regarding potential sexual harassment charges.

In Malaysia, individuals found guilty of sexual harassment could be forced to pay compensation for any financial or emotional harm caused. Furthermore, engaging in inappropriate public behavior that causes distress could result in up to three months in prison, a fine, or both.

Sulaiman has reassured critics, explaining that no one gets harmed during the act. “It is all just an act, like WWE. No one gets hurt, I am the only ‘loser’,” he clarified.

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