How to unlock Sally in Disney Dreamlight Valley

Sally has finally arrived in Disney Dreamlight Valley as part of the Sew Delightful update, bringing a little more Nightmare before Christmas just as we land into the Christmas season.
Disney Dreamlight Valley’s Jack Skellington has been in the game for a year now, but the absence of Sally has always been present, with many players demanding the character’s arrival, along with the recognizable clothes she brings along with her.
Luckily, this has finally come true, with the Sew Delightful update bringing Sally into the Valley for all players. Here’s how to unlock her and add her to your game.
How to unlock Sally
- Reach level 10 with Jack Skellington
- Complete Mirabel’s first quest
- Complete Odd & Ends with Merlin
Open your Mailbox
To begin unlocking Sally, players need to head to their mailbox and read the letter called: A Delightful Surprise.

It’ll explain that spiders are visiting Anna’s Castle and that Jack would love you to remove them from their home.
So, head over to Anna’s castle and look for the spiderwebs around the room. You’ll also want to speak to Kristoff who will explain that this is happening in Remy, Vanellope, and Mirabel’s houses.
Once you’ve done that, begin removing the spiderwebs from Anna’s Castle.
We found ours by the wooden logs on the left of the fireplace, in the back right corner, and just past the bookshelves on the far left of the castle. Interact with these and it’ll remove and collect all three spiderwebs.
With those collected, speak to Jack Skellington and give him the Spiderwebs. He’ll reveal the spiders have a message on them, but he can’t tell who they’re by.
Collect the rest of the Spiderwebs
The only way to decipher them is to collect more, meaning you need to head to the following homes:
- Mirabel
- Vanellope
- Remy
Thankfully, due to their size, the Spiderwebs are relatively easy to find in each home. So head to each, and be sure to collect all the webs.
When you have all of them, head back to Jack and speak to him, giving him the rest of the Spiderwebs. He’ll explain that Sally sent the spiders and is trapped inside another realm. It’s up to you and Jack to assist the spiders in making a portal to bring her to the Valley.
Craft an Arachnid Rejuvenation Potion

Unfortunately, before the portal is crafted, the Spiders seem a little tired, so you need to craft an Arachnid Rejuvenation Potion. To do this, you need the following ingredients:
- 1 Empty Vial
- 1 Blueberry Pie
- 4 Red Bell Flower
- 4 Night Shard
- 6 Cotton
- 8 Mushroom
An Empty Vial is crafted using three Glass, which can be made by grabbing 15 Sand and 3 Coal Ore and heading to the crafting station. While you’re at the crafting table, create four Night Shards using four Onyx gems, which can be found at all mining nodes in the Valley.
Blueberry Pie is a dessert dish that requires one Blueberry, one Wheat, and one Butter. With those ingredients, head over to your nearest cooking pot and create the dish.
Red Bell Flowers are found on the ground in the Forest of Valour. Then, head over to the Glade of Trust and collect some Mushrooms from the ground.
Lastly, Cotton is grown, you’ll find the seeds in the Sunlit Plateau for 42 Star Coins each. They take 25 minutes to grow.
With all those ingredients, head over to the crafting table and make the Arachnid Rejuvenation Potion.
Welcome Sally to the Valley

With that crafted, head over to Jack’s home and speak to him, giving him the potion. Once he’s added to it, drop it in the cauldron near you and you’ll welcome Sally to the Valley.
Speak to her and she’ll thank you and call for Jack, simply watch them reunite and you’ll have added her to your Valley.
Sally Friendship quests

Level 2 Friendship quest: Uncanny Romance
Step 1: Plant Deadly Nightshade
After reaching level 2 with Sally, you’ll be able to speak to her. She’ll reveal that since she’s been apart from Jack for so long, she wants to try and reconnect with him by planning a special date. However, she feels a little nervous so asks you to help her. One way to boost her confidence is to make her favorite perfume, which is naturally Nightshade based.

She’ll give you 10 Nightshade. Plant this, and wait 15 minutes for it to grow. If you don’t want to wait, the Miracle Growth Potions will water the plants and make them grow straight away. When they’ve grown, Harvest them and give them over to Sally.
Step 2: Tell Jack Skellington about his date
Sally feels much better now she has the Nightshade, but she needs to make the perfume. So, while she’s doing that, it’s up to you to speak to Jack and ask him about the date. In true Jack fashion, he’ll be obsessing over rocks and other interesting items.

He’ll understand Sally’s shyness and ask you to collect two Night Shard needle eyes to help her feel herself again. To get Night Shards, head over to your nearest crafting table and use one Onyx, which can be found in any mining node. One Onyx will craft three Night Shards, so more than enough.
Head back to Jack and give him the Night Shards. He’ll thank you and speak to Sally about his gift. He’ll explain that he got them for her so she can continue to be brave without worrying about putting herself back together again. Unfortunately, she doesn’t see it that way and thinks he’s calling her clumsy or trying to get her to do dangerous activities.
Step 3: Speak to Minnie and Daisy
Worried about the failed date and feeling more awkward than ever, it’s up to you to help poor Sally by getting dating advice from Minnie and Daisy. Head over to the characters and speak to them both.
Daisy will suggest decorating their date with Halloween items or Halloween food and Minnie will suggest serving a delicious snack for them to share, giving you her recipe for Halloween Gingerbread Cookies and Caramel Apples.
Step 4: Craft the perfect picnic
For the perfect picnic you’ll need the following meals:
- Halloween Gingerbread Cookies
- Caramel Apples

Halloween Gingerbread Cookies require Wheat, Pumpkin, and Ginger. Wheat is best found in Peaceful Meadow at Goofy’s stall for one Star Coin. It only takes a minute to grow so it’s well worth planting. Then, Ginger is found by foraging in the Forgotten Lands and Pumpkins are brought from Goofy’s Stall in the Forgotten Lands for 275 Star Coins.
For more details on the recipe, check out our guide.

Caramel Apples require Sugarcane and Apples. You’ll find Apples growing on trees around your Valley, and Sugarcane is brought from Goofy’s Stall on Dazzle Beach for 29 coins or 5 for the seeds. They only take seven minutes to grow so we recommend growing them and saving some money.
With the ingredients, head over to your nearest cooking pot and craft the two recipes. Then, head over to the Forgotten Lands and place the following:
- 2 Outdoor Furniture
- 3 Halloween Furniture
- 4 Black Furniture
With that done, head back to Sally and give her the meals. She’ll thank you and speak to Jack once more. The date will be a success after Sally asks you to place the Halloween Picnic Kit near the Holiday Tree Portal.
This is obtained by completing the “Something Comes A’Knocking” quest, which adds Jack to the valley. Once the quest is complete, the Holiday Tree Portal will stay in the Forgotten Lands where it originally was.

Snap a picture and speak to Sally to conclude the quest.
Level 4 Friendship quest: Decay to Grow
Step 1: Craft a Compost Bin

Upon reaching level four with Sally, she’ll explain how she’s seen the lovely gardening projects from other villagers and wants to do the same, cultivating herbs from Halloween Town. To do this, you’ll need the following:
- 15 Bricks
- 10 Soil
- 10 Dark Wood
- 3 Vegetable Trimmings from Remy
Bricks are made at the Crafting Table, and cost five Clay and one Coal Ore each. As such, you’ll need 75 Clay and 15 Coal Ore. Check out our guide on how to get Clay if you don’t have enough. Soil is much easier to grab, simply dig the ground around the Valley.
Dark Wood is solely found in the Forgotten Lands near trees. If you’re struggling to get 10, we suggest planting some Plaza trees, more wood should spawn around them relatively quickly. Lastly, head over to Remy and speak to him. He’ll be thrilled to help reduce waste and will offer you the trimmings with no issues.
Then, head over to your nearest crafting table, navigate to the Functional Items tab, and craft the Compost Bin.
Step 2: Add to the Compost Bin
With that crafted, head over to the Vitalys Mines and speak to Sally, giving her the Compost Bin. She’ll show you the best place to start gardening and will place down the Bin. She’ll then ask for more items to go in the bin, with those being:
- 6 Dry Wood
- 8 Dried Plants
You’ll find both in the Sunlit Plateau. Dry Wood will be near trees, and looks like a white version of the game’s traditional wood. Dried Plants look like sparkling versions of the traditional unwatered plants you’d find in your gardening.

Once you’ve collected all the resources, head over to the Compost Bin and give the items to Sally.
Step 3: Craft a Critter Trap
She’ll thank you but lament that the compost bin has been knocked over and all the interiors have been destroyed. She blames a critter for the issue, asking you to craft a Critter Trap to catch the suspect.

For that you’ll need the following:
- 10 Hardwood
- 5 Blueberry
- 2 Iron Ingots
- 5 Dream Shards
Hardwood is found in the Forest of Valor, Glade of Trust, Sunlilt Plateau, and the Frosted Heights. Look underneath trees, and destroy the large stumps in the Forest of Valor for the resource. Blueberries are found on bushes around your Valley, they’re pretty easy to spot and there should be more than enough available.
Iron Ingots are found by mining Iron Ore in the Forest of Valor, Glade of Trust, Sunlilt Plateau, Frosted Heights, and Forgotten Lands. Mine the nodes and head over to your Crafting Table to combine the ore with coal to make Iron Ingots.
Lastly, Dream Shards are found by digging the ground where the shiny cracks appear, or by removing Night Thorns. Check out our handy guide for more if you’re struggling.
Then, head to the crafting table and create the Critter Trap.
Step 4: Collect worms
With the Critter Trap crafted, head back to Sally in the Mines and give her the item. She’ll place it and wait for a Critter to appear. In the meantime, you’ll need to collect some worms for the Compost Bin, as they love those environments.
For that, grab your shovel and head over to the Glade of Trust. Dig the sparkling spots in the ground around the biome and you should find the worms in no time.

With all three, head back to Sally and give her the Trusting Worms. After this, head back to the Vitalys mines and back to the Compost Bin.
Trapped in the Critter Trap is none other than Mike Wazowski. Speak to him and he’ll explain that he thought the Compost Bin was an automated food delivery machine. After explaining the issue to Mike, he won’t understand, so step back and let Sally try.
She’ll get through to Mike and thank you for helping her achieve her goals, giving you the compost bin as a reward. With that, the quest will be complete.
Level 7 Friendship quest: Patchwork Party
Step 1: Speak to Minnie and Daisy

Once you reach level seven with Sally, she’ll approach you about a new sewing project, asking you for suggestions. Naturally, you’ll both decide that the best people to speak to about clothing are Minnie and Daisy.
So, head over to speak to Daisy. We suggest hanging out with Sally so you don’t need to find her whenever you speak to her.
Daisy will suggest anything from skirts with bows to athleisure sets. However, once you mention it’s for Sally, she’ll ask you to accompany her and Minnie on their next project, which is all about home decor.
Step 2: Gather materials for the project

To prepare for the project, you’ll need to collect some materials, these are listed below.
- 3 Gold Ingots
- 5 Purple Impatiens
- 5 Fabric
- 6 Red Bell Flower
Gold Ingots are found by combining Gold Nuggets with Coal in your Crafting Table. Simply mine the nodes in the Sunlit Plateau, Frosted Heights, or Forgotten Lands and you’ll find some Gold.
Fabric is made with Cotton, so you’ll need 25 Cotton for five Fabric. For the Cotton itself, head over to the Sunlit Plateau and buy it from Goofy’s Store.
Purple Impatiens are located on the floor in the Forgotten Lands, while Red Bell Flowers are in the Forest of Valor.
Gather all these ingredients and head back to Sally, giving her the materials. Then, head over to Minnies house where you’ll be able to listen to Daisy and Sally talk about their creations. Unfortunately, Sally’s style doesn’t really match Minnie and Daisy, meaning Sally will have to start her own project.
Step 3: Collect memorabilia from your adventures
With that project unable to carry on, Sally will want to speak to someone with more magic, suggesting The Fairy Godmother. Head over to her and ask if she’d like to help you and Sally with creating a quilt. Naturally, she’ll say yes, asking you to collect memorabilia so she can use ‘unique’ materials for the project.

The first requires you to Fish an Ancient Crystal from the Mystical Cave. This cave is found on Dazzle Beach, so head down to the bottom and look for the orange ripple. Cast your fishing rod into the circle and fish up the Crystal.
Next, you’ll need to find the following:
- A Feather in the Forest of Valor
- A Snowman’s Nose in the Frosted Heights
- A Storybook in the Forgotten Lands
The Feather is found in the Forest of Valor. Given the size of the Feather and the scope of the biome, this is a particularly tough object to find. We found ours in the far south side of the region.

Next, head to the cave in the Frosted Heights where you initially found Olaf. Go down the corridor and, just by the portal, you’ll find Olaf’s nose.
Lastly, head over to the Forgotten Lands and look for the Storybook. We found ours by the large treehouse in the southern part of the Biome.
Step 4: Cook Fruit Salad and Root Beer
Once you’ve found all three, head over to your nearest cooking pot and create more memorabilia, this time cooking up the following recipes:
- Fruit Salad
- Root Beer
Fruit Salad requires one fruit, so an apple, banana, cherry, raspberry, or really anything that grows on trees or bushes around the Valley.
Then, Root Beer requires ginger, sugarcane, and vanilla. You’ll find Ginger growing from the ground in the Forgotten Lands. Vanilla is the same, but in the Sunlit Plateau. Lastly, grab some Sugarcane from Goofy’s Stall on Dazzle Beach.
With the food made and memories collected, head to The Fairy Godmother’s house and give all the ingredients to Sally.
Step 5: Cook the Villagers’ favorite foods
Sally will be delighted and will ask you to help make a launch party. For that, you need to speak to the following villagers about their favorite food memories:
- Mickey Mouse
- The Forgotten
- Kristoff
- Donald Duck
Each will offer a different meal related to their favorite memories. So, head over to your cooking pot and make the following items:
Meal | Ingredients | How to get |
Carrot Cake | Carrot, Wheat, Egg, Sugarcane | Carrot: Goofy’s Stall in the Plaza and Peaceful Meadow Wheat: Goofy’s Stall in the Peaceful Meadow Egg: Remy’s restaurant Sugarcane: Goofy’s Stall on Dazzle Beach |
Bouillabaisse | Shrimp, 2 Seafood, Tomato, Vegetable | Shrimp: Fished at Blue ripples on Dazzle Beach Seafood: Shells on Dazzle Beach Tomato: Goofy’s Stall on Dazzle Beach Vegetable: Any |
Fish Salad | Fish, Lemon, Lettuce | Fish: Any ripple in Dreamlight Valley Lemon: On trees in the Valley Lettuce: Goofy’s Stall in the Peaceful Meadow |
Fish Sandwich | Fish, Wheat | Fish: Any ripple in Dreamlight Valley Wheat: Goofy’s Stall in the Peaceful Meadow |
With all the meals cooked, head over to Sally and give them to her. Then, place the quilt anywhere in the valley, take a picture, and speak to Sally again to complete the quest.
Level 10 Friendship quest: Preposterous Premonitions
Step 1: Find Arcane Sprouts
After reaching level 10 with Sally, she’ll tell you all about her new friend, Ursula. She’ll explain that she wants your help with the project they’re working on. So, head over to Ursula and speak to her.
You’ll explain that you’re trying to help Sally out with gathering ingredients for the potion, though Sally is having a hard time grabbing the Arcane Sprout Ursula needs. She’ll explain it’s found in the Forgotten Lands.
So, head over to the Forgotten Lands and look for five purple sprouts. They look a lot like the growing plants you’ll grow in the valley.

Once you’ve found the sprouts, head over to Jack and Sally’s home and bring the ingredients to Sally. She’ll thank you but will have a vision shortly after. She’ll drop a memory so interact with that and it’ll show Ursula in the middle of a pretty villainous laugh.
Naturally, Sally will want to believe the best of her new friend but will agree that Ursula does look sinister in the memory.
Step 2: Find the cave
Sally will suggest that the best way to check out the vision is to go to the cave she saw.
The cave in question is the Cursed Cave, which is where you initially found Ursula. Head over to the east side of Dazzle Beach and head inside.
Inside, just by the waterline will be a small picture of Mickey Mouse in a frame. Simply pick it up and hand it over to Sally. Once she takes it, she’ll explain that Ursula mentioned that pictures can contain magic, with the magic being linked to whoever’s in the frame.
Step 3: Warn Mickey Mouse and Scrooge McDuck
Then, she’ll have another vision, which showcases an entranced Mickey and Scrooge McDuck seemingly under the control of Ursula.

With that in mind, you’ll need to warn the two about the upcoming events, so head to each character and speak to them. Frustratingly, neither will take the visions too seriously.
Once you’ve spoken to Mickey and Scrooge, head back to Sally and plot to confront Ursula for her nefarious plot. For this, head back to the Cursed Cave where you found Mickey’s picture, and confront Ursula.
Step 4: Foil Ursulas plot
Speak to Ursula once you’re inside the cave and she’ll explain her lust for power and her plan to put Scrooge and Mickey under her control.
Then, chat with Sally to come up with a plan. She’ll reveal that, since the potions were made with her plants, she can reverse it with her own potion. Take this off Sally and place it in the cauldron while Sally distracts Ursula.

Once you’ve successfully reversed the potion, speak to Mickey, Scrooge, and Ursula. Naturally, Scrooge and Mickey will thank you and swear to believe Sally’s visions from now on. Ursula will regret her choices, exclaiming that she’s lost a potential friend because of her schemes.
With that, head over to Mickey’s house where Mickey and Scrooge will thank Sally and apologize for not believing her. They’ll exclaim that they’re all good friends and thank her with a delicious Halloween-themed meal.
She’ll thank you, and give you a complete outfit. With that, her friendship quests will be complete.
That’s how to get Sally in Disney Dreamlight Valley and how to complete her friendship quests. Now she’s been added to your Valley, be sure to check out some of the game’s recipes, the brand new Star Path, or take a look at how to complete the main quest for Storybook Vale, if you have the latest DLC.