Diablo 4 Barbarian brings God of War’s Kratos to Sanctuary

A Diablo 4 player has created his own version of Kratos using the Barbarian class, with the character sharing an uncanny likeness with the Ghost of Sparta.
Barbarians in Diablo are masters of bashing things to death, so much so that there are entire builds focused on this. But Diablo’s Barbarians aren’t the only ones using pure rage to wage war on forces from the underworld, and Kratos from the God of War series is also well-known for his violent temper.
With this in mind, Reddit user Sweethammerlu put considerable effort into creating their own version of Kratos using Diablo 4’s Barbarian character creator. You can check out the results for yourself below:
“Game Accurate” Kratos in Diablo
While this version of Kratos doesn’t have the former God of War’s pale ash-covered skin, the rest of the design looks very similar to how the character looked in the original GoW trilogy.
Fellow Reddit users mostly applauded Sweethammerlu’s work, however, one said, “Get those damn wings off ffs. You’re desecrating Kratos’ image.”
However, another user chimed in to defend the decision to give Kratos wings, saying, “Na, game accurate, he ripped off Icarus’ wings, remember, just to glide across short distances.
One user said this wasn’t the first time they had seen Kratos made from the Barbarian template, suspecting that the developers always intended for players to recreate the God of War protagonist.
“I feel like the devs definitely wanted people to be able to make Kratos. Seen people make him since the beta.”
Another user said that they believe that the character of Kratos was originally inspired by the Barbarian class from Diablo 2, lending weight to the theory that the developers of both Diablo and God of War have been inspiring each other with character designs over the years.
Of course, neither Blizzard nor Santa Monica Studio has ever commented on if this is the case, but it’s a fun thing to consider nonetheless.