Best Diablo 4 Lightning Storm Druid builds in Season 7

Sam Smith
diablo 4 druid

The Druid is a master of the earthly elements – including the weather. Here’s how to assemble the Lightning Storm Druid build in Diablo 4 Season 7.

Diablo 4 Season 7 gave all characters a shake-up after the Vessel of Hatred changed the game forever by adding more story quests and endgame modes. This included the various character builds players had come to rely on.

If you’ve decided that the Druid is the right class for you, and have looked over the various Druid builds and landed on the Lightning Storm build this season, here’s everything you know about how to build it.

Of course, the Lightning Storm Druid may be a big hitter so here’s how to put the build together.

Best Lightning Storm Druid skills

To assemble the Lightning Storm Druid build, allocate this many points on these active skills:

Active SkillUpgradesPoints Allocated
Lightning StormEnhanced, Raging5
Earthen BulwarkEnhanced1
Cyclone Armor1
Blood HowlEnhanced, Preserving1
CataclysmPrime, Supreme5

Also, allocate this many points on these passive skills:

Passive SkillPoints Allocated
Predatory Instinct1
Iron Fur3
Ancestral Fortitude1
Vigilance 3
Nature’s Reach3
Feral Aptitude 3
Electric Shock3
Bad Omen2
Endless Tempest2
Natural Disaster3
Circle of Life3
Devensive Posture2
Heightened Senses3
Bestial RampageKey Passive

When you start a new character, if you’re a returning player, you’ll likely have lots of skill points ready to assign from your Renown or by being boosted to level 50 from the start.

But if you’re a new player, you’ll need to start from scratch. The good news is you’ll be able to hit level 50 very quickly in the post-Vessel of Hatred Diablo 4.

Below, we’ve detailed how many skill points you’ll need to assign to each passive and active skill using your leveling and Renown points.

You may find yourself needing to select other skills to progress across the skill tree. That’s okay, just respec to the ones included in the build once you’re able. Who knows, you may create a custom build that suits your needs better.

druid diablo 4
The shape-shifting Druid is nature’s chosen warrior against evil.

Best Spirit Boons

Out of the 16 different Spirit Boons that Druids can unlock, you can only grab five. These are the Spirit Boons we recommend for your Druid build in Diablo 4 Season 7:

DeerWarinessReduces damage from Elites
EagleAvian WrathGain more critical strike damage
WolfCalamityUltimate skills last 35% longer
SnakeCalm before the StormMagic skills cooldown reduced
Eagle (Bond)Iron FeatherIncrease your maximum life

Best Lightning Storm skill rotation

When running the Lightning Storm Druid build, you’ll need to make sure that you use your skills in the following order against mobs and elites:

  • Cyclone Armor
  • Cataclysm
  • Lightning Storm
  • Maul
  • Blood Howl
  • Earthen Bulwark

First, cast Cyclone Armor and Earthen Bulwark before approaching the mob to make yourself harder to kill – and annoying to fight. Then blast the mob or elites with your Ultimate skill, Cataclysm to do massive damage, then jump into combat and hit them with Lightning Storm.

Now, we’re going to be alternating between Maul and Lightning Storm as it suits us. Hit enemies with Lightning Storm, then switch to Maul when you run out of spirit. Should combat get tense, cast Blood Howl to shapeshift into a werewolf, earn a damage boost, and heal yourself.

Powers of Witchcraft

Season 7 adds Witch Powers to give each character a boost and something new to do this season. While all Witch Powers are beneficial, some are more suited to certain classes and builds.

For this build, choose the following Witch Powers:

  • Soul Harvest – Sucks the life from nearby enemies.
  • Doom Orb – Damage reduction.
  • Hex of Flames – Provides extra AoE damage.
  • Purging Touch – Boosts Eldrich power.
  • Force of Will – Boosts overpower damage.
  • Aura of Misfortune – Enemy hits can sometimes fail to connect.
  • Aura Specialization – Expands aura size and slightly buffs critical strike damage.

Powers of Witchcraft may disappear after Season 7, but they could return in another form like Vampire Powers and Malignant Hearts did.

Best Occult Gems

Here are the best Occult Gems for this build:

  • Witching Hour – Gives the “Eldritch” label to your Core Skill for extra damage.
  • Moonlight Ward – Grants significant extra defense.
  • Killing Wind – Boosts defense, stacks with above.

Best Paragon Glyphs

Once you reach level 60, you’ll gain access to the Paragon Board to continue leveling. You’ll essentially boost your stats each time you unlock a node, but eventually, you’ll need to select a Glyth for a more substantial upgrade.

More of these will unlock as you progress, so select the following Glyphs to maximize the potential of this Druid build:

Level 15

  • ‍Spirit
  • ‍Keeper
  • ‍Earth and Sky
  • ‍Fulminate
  • ‍Electrocution

Level 46

  • ‍‍Spirit
  • ‍Keeper
  • ‍Earth and Sky
  • ‍Fulminate
  • ‍Electrocution

Best Mercenaries for Lightning Storm Druid

Since the introduction of the Mercenaries mechanic in the Vessel of Hatred expansion, they’ve become an important aspect of maxing out the potential of a build.

Pick the following Mercenaries and set them on this path:

MercenaryHire or ReinforcementSkills to select
AldkinReinforcementField of Languish

Hire Varyana and set her skills towards Bloodthirst to provide you with a 25% attack speed increase. Then recruit Rahier and set his skills towards Bastion to ensure you’re protected from danger.

diablo 4 barbarian
The returning character classes include the Barbarian, Sorcerer, Rogue, Necromancer, and Druid.

Best Aspects

Here are the best Aspects you should hunt down for the Lightning Storm Druid build:

AspectPowerDungeon / How to obtainRegion Obol Gamble / Item type
RetaliationCore skills deal more damageSeaside DescentDry Steppes
Skinwalker’sShapeshifting skills heal youFading EchoKehjistan
UnsatiatedShred increases spiritTormented RuinsFractured Peaks
Tempest RoarBoosts Storm and Werewolf skillsDefeat Lord ZirHelm
Unsung Ascetic’s WrapsCritical strikes cast lightningRandom dropGloves
Shroud of False DeathIncreases stealth and movement speedTorso
Wildheart HungerShapeshifting boosts Bestial RampageDefeat Lord Zir
Ring of Starless SkiesSpending your Primary Resource reduces the Resources cost of your Skills and increases your damageDefeat DurielRing
Mjölnic RyngCataclysm boosts spiritDefeat Lord ZirRing

Best items, equipment & sockets

Here’s the best gear you should hunt down for the Lightning Storm Druid build, including the best Runewords to use:

ItemSocketItem typePower
Tempest Road2x Amethyst for extra WillpowerHelmBoosts Storm and Werewolf skills
Shroud of False Death2x Amethyst for extra WillpowerChest ArmorIncreases stealth and movement speed
Unsung Ascetic’s WrapsGlovesCritical strikes cast lightning
Skinwalkers Runic Leggings2x Amethyst for extra WillpowerPantsShapeshifting skills heal you
Wildheart HungerBootsShapeshifting boosts bestial rampage
Shamanistic Staff of RetaliationYulWatTwo-Handed PolearmCore skills increase damage by 150%
Unbending Choker of the UnsatiatedSkull for extra armorAmuletShred increases spirit
Mjölnic RyngEmerald for poison resistance Ring 1Cataclysm boosts spirit
Ring of Starless SkiesAmethyst for Shadow Resistance Ring 2Spending your Primary Resource reduces the Resources cost of your Skills and increases your damage

Best Lightning Storm Druid build for PvP

Luckily, the PvP variant of this build is the same as the PvE version. So, you can keep it as it is. However, if you need to make some tweaks to make it easier for you as a player, then feel free to turn it into a custom build.

Now that you know how to craft this top-tier Necromancer build, make sure to check out our guides for the Druid, Sorcerer, Rogue, Barbarian, and Spirtiborn. There’s also our Diablo 4 Class tier list so you can see where this build fits in the current meta.