Best location to farm Scorn combatants in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 regularly features challenges and quests that revolve around the Scorn, tasking players with farming and killing them to make progress.
However, they aren’t the easiest faction to find, as they don’t have a dedicated region like most others. You can find the Hive in Savathun’s Throne World and the Vex on Nessus, but the Scorn are much trickier to come by.
Luckily, there are still some places where you can farm Scorn efficiently, including one standout option that makes racking up kills nice and easy.
Where to farm Scorn in Destiny 2
The best location to farm Scorn is in the Bay of Drowned Wishes lost sector, which can be found right next to the Divalian Mists landing zone in the Dreaming City.

What makes this spot so good is that it is one of the few areas in Destiny 2 that only features Scorn combatants. Just one run-through of this will net you upward of 70 Scorn kills and should take no longer than five minutes.
Even better, after finishing a run and looting the chest, all you have to do is teleport back to the landing zone and re-enter the lost sector to start over. This makes for a fast reset, so farming this lost sector is optimal even when it isn’t in rotation.
Who are the Scorn?
The Scorn are an army of undead Fallen that have been tainted by The Darkness. They were initially created by Riven, an incredibly powerful Ahamkara who also happens to be the final boss of the Last Wish raid.
They are led by Fikrul, a Scorn warrior who was the very first of his kind. Riven resurrected him by transmuting Ether into Dark Ether, as per the wishes of Uldren Sov. This not only gave Fikrul another chance at life but also granted the newly born Scorn the power to revive other Fallen.

He used this power to create an army of Scorn, with these being the main antagonists of Forsaken. In this DLC, the Guardian has to hunt down the eight Barons of the Scorn, eventually leading to the discovery of The Dreaming City – the mystical land where Riven resides.
Gameplay-wise, the Scorn are the most aggressive enemy faction in Destiny, as they never use cover and will constantly rush you when given the chance. Some of the strongest Scorn combatants include Abominations, Chieftains, and the heavily modified Scorn Walkers.
To overcome these formidable foes, you’ll need to use the best PvE weapons and see what guns top our Exotic weapons tier list. Using these, not even the most powerful Scorn will be able to stop you.