Destiny 2’s hardest duo encounter has been cleared using this forgotten strategy

One of the most challenging raid encounters to duo in Destiny 2 has been cleared — and in impressive style at that.
The Totems encounter from the King’s Fall Raid, which was reprised in 2022 as part of Season of Plunder, has long been considered the “Mount Everest” of challenges to attempt with a co-op partner.
With a full team of six players, it can be tricky, but so long as players keep up communication with one another, it can be handled smoothly enough. Doing it with a third of those players, however, leaves absolutely no room for error, yet duo Ysiig and Wildrize managed it with no small degree of panache.
How Destiny 2’s hardest duo encounter was beaten
The idea is to use Devour, a Void 3.0 keyword, to keep health topped up, but the actual mechanics of the encounter include managing stacks that need to be deposited, and these can be notoriously fiddly. That can lead to frustrating deaths, and then there’s the matter of the 15 minute time limit.
Ysiig credits Wildrize and ItzYanis for theorycrafting the solution to the encounter back in 2022 when Kingsfall first returned from Destiny 1, and even shared his build information too.
A Solar Warlock kitted out to deal maximum scorch damage, the build also uses the Mountaintop as a Primary as well as Choir of One, a new Exotic Void Auto Rifle. The armor Exotic chosen is Karnstein Armlets, and you can access the build from DIM if you’re keen to try it yourself.
Unsurprisingly, the Destiny community was left incredibly impressed by the feat.
“Incredible,” one commenter on the Reddit post said, while another added “Holy s*** that’s f***ing insane,” emphasizing just how remarkable this achievement really is.
Summing up the feat, one user said “The fact they cleared this is insane on so many levels, most people ive talked to genuinely thought this would never be completed solely cause of how precise you had to be,” while another Guardian described the duo as “Absolute legends.”
As absurd as this is, the Destiny 2 community is no stranger to such feats. Earlier this year, Esoterickk managed to complete a 12-player GM activity solo, and more achievements just like this are sure to follow.