Destiny 2 players berate “useless” Legendary Shards change

Kurt Perry
Legendary Shards in front of Neomuna in Destiny 2.

Bungie has confirmed that Legendary Shards will be removed in Season 23, but not everyone is happy with the change with many Destiny 2 players questioning what the benefit is and others dreading what it could mean.

Once Season 23 arrives, all Legendary Shards will be deleted as confirmed in a TWID posted on September 14. Ever since they were introduced Legendary Shards have been a crucial part of Destiny’s economy.

They are used for various transactions such as purchasing Exotic gear, focusing weapons & armor at vendors, and can even be traded in at Rahool for large amounts of Glimmer.

However, with Legendary Shards set to be removed, there are concerns that it could leave the Destiny economy in a less than ideal spot.

Legendary Shards being deleted upsets Destiny 2 community

Frustrated by the announcement that Legendary Shards are being removed one player posted on Reddit: “In my opinion, I think frankly it’s a useless change, it won’t do anything to the game, and if they replace it with anything it could potentially be a pain to grind it to reasonably buy anything.”

OP continued on to describe the decision as “very odd,” not understanding why Bungie would make such a decision at this stage when some players already have over 20,000 Legendary Shards saved up.

The main concerns Guardians had were how the change would affect Destiny’s economy: “There better be a hell of a lot more ways to get Glimmer. Prepare to always be low on Glimmer, with no easy way to get it.”

“Only good if that means Glimmer is the default currency, with a raised cap,” another like-minded player responded with a different reply following up “I’m against this unless the cap is ridiculously high.”

A particularly skeptical user replied: “This is probably a way to keep engagement up. No doubt they’ll introduce another mechanic that requires more frequent or consistent play to make up for the lack of Shards. Or they’ll starve us of Glimmer by making everything take Glimmer.”

Bungie’s justification for removing Legendary Shards is it believes they are an “unstable,” part of the economy that is difficult to balance new content around. It also admitted that the frequent “loopholes,” and exploits related to Shards played a role in the decision.

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