IEM Katowice 2025: Stream, schedule, results, teams

Calum Patterson
iem katowice 2025 trophy

The first prestigious Counter-Strike 2 event of the year will take place at the iconic Spodek Arena in Katowice, Poland, where a share of $1 million is up for grabs for the world’s best 24 teams. Keep up with IEM Katowice 2025 with the stream, schedule and results.

Katowice and Cologne are the two biggest CS events of the year outside of the Majors, and as Katowice is up first in the calendar, it acts as the curtain raiser, where teams hope to make their mark. Last year, Spirit took the trophy home, largely thanks to donk’s monster debut performance.

It’s been our first real chance for us to see all the new rosters in action too, such as a NiKo-less G2, a NiKo-led Falcons, and the new-look Vitality and FaZe following ropz’s switch. And, with Play-Ins having just concluded, there’s been no shortage of upsets.

From Team Spirit almost getting taken out of the tournament by Gamers Legion to Eternal Fire besting FaZe Clan to secure a spot at the Spodek, several top-tier Counter-Strike teams have been eliminated before the Semifinals.

Here’s the full schedule for IEM Katowice 2025 and which teams are still in the running.

IEM Katowice Stream

The main broadcast will be on ESL’s Twitch and YouTube channels. As always, co-streamers on Twitch will broadcast with their own commentary and reactions too.

VODs are uploaded in full to ESL’s YouTube channel once they are complete too, so you can watch back any matches you missed there.

Schedule and Results

Play-In (January 29 – 31)

Day 1: January 29

Upper Round 13DMAX 2-0 FlyQuest1:30 AM4:30 AM9:30 AM
Upper Round 1paiN 2-0 Virtus.Pro1:30 AM4:30 AM9:30 AM
Upper Round 1Astralis 0-2 MIBR4 AM7 AM12 PM
Upper Round 1SAW 0-2 GamerLegion4 AM7 AM12 PM
Upper Round 1Wildcard 2-0 BIG6:30 AM9:30 AM2:30 PM
Upper Round 1Imperial Fe 0-2 FURIA6:30 AM9:30 AM2:30 PM
Upper Round 1Liquid 1-2 Heroic9 AM12 PM5 PM
Upper Round 1Complexity 0-2 Eternal Fire9 AM12 PM5 PM

Day 2: January 30

Lower Round 1Virtus.Pro 2-0 SAW4:30 AM 7:30 AM12:30 PM
Upper Round 2paiN 0-2 GamerLegion4:30 AM 7:30 AM12:30 PM
Lower Round 1FlyQuest 1-2 Astralis7 AM 10 AM3 PM
Upper Round 23DMAX 2-0 MIBR7 AM 10 AM3 PM
Lower Round 1Imperial Fe 0-2 BIG9:30 AM12:30 PM5:30 PM
Upper Round 2Eternal Fire 2-0 Heroic9:30 AM12:30 PM5:30 PM

Day 3: January 31

Upper Round 2Furia 2-1 Wildcard4:30 AM7:30 AM12:30 PM
Lower Round 2Complexity 0-2 Liquid4:30 AM7:30 AM12:30 PM
Lower Round 2BIG 2-0 Heroic7 AM10 AM3 PM
Lower Round 2Team Liquid 2-0 Wildcard7 AM10 AM3 PM
Lower Round 2Virtus.Pro 2-0 MIBR9:30 AM12:30 PM5:30 PM
Lower Round 2paiN 0-2 Astralis9:30 AM12:30 PM5:30 PM

Group Stage (February 1 – 4)

Day 1: February 1

Group A U. 1Falcons 0-2 Eternal4:30 AM7:30 AM12:30 PM
Group A U. 1Vitality 2-0 3DMAX4:30 AM7:30 AM12:30 PM
Group A U. 1G2 0-2 Virtus.pro7 AM10 AM3 PM
Group A U. 1FaZe 2-1 BIG7 AM10 AM3 PM
Group B U. 1NAVI 2-0 FURIA9:30 AM12:30 PM5:30 PM
Group B U. 1MOUZ 2-0 GamerLegion9:30 AM12:30 PM5:30 PM

Day 2: February 2

Group B U. 1The MongolZ 2-1 Team Liquid4:30 AM7:30 AM12:30 PM
Group B U. 1Team Spirit 2-0 Astralis4:30 AM7:30 AM12:30 PM
Group B U. 2-1 Eternal Fire7 AM10 AM3 PM
Group A L. 1G2 Esports 2-1 Team Falcons7 AM10 AM3 PM
Group B U. 2Team Vitality 2-1 FaZe Clan9:30 AM12:30 PM5:30 PM
Group A L. 13DMAX 2-0 BIG9:30 AM12:30 PM5:30 PM

Day 3: February 3

Group B L. 1Team Liquid 2-0 MOUZ4:30 AM7:30 AM12:30 PM
Group B U. 2GamerLegion 0-2 The MongolZ4:30 AM7:30 AM12:30 PM
Group B L. 1Astralis 2-1 FURIA7 AM10 AM3 PM
Group B U. 2Team Spirit 1-2 NAVI7 AM10 AM3 PM
Group A L. 2FaZe Clan 2-1 G2 Esports9:30 AM12:30 PM5:30 PM
Group A L. 23DMAX 1-2 Eternal Fire9:30 AM12:30 PM5:30 PM

Day 4: February 4

Group A U. 1Team Liquid 0-2 Spirit4:30 AM7:30 AM12:30 PM
Group A U. 1GamerLegion 2-0 Astralis4:30 AM7:30 AM12:30 PM
Group A LBFEternal Fire 2-0 FaZe Clan7 AM10 AM3 PM
Group A UBFVirtus.Pro 0-2 Vitality7 AM10 AM3 PM
Group B LBFGamerLegion 1-2 Spirit9:30 AM12:30 PM5:30 PM
Group B UBFThe MongolZ 0-2 NAVI9:30 AM12:30 PM5:30 PM

Playoffs (February 7 – 9)

QFs: February 7

Quarter-finalsThe MongolZ vs Eternal Fire7:30 AM10:30 AM3:30 PM vs Team Spirit10:30 AM1:30 PM6:30 PM

SFs: February 8

Semi-finalsTeam Vitality vs TBD7:30 AM10:30 AM3:30 PM
Semi-finalsNAVI vs TBD10:30 AM1:30 PM6:30 PM

Final: February 9

Grand Finals8 AM11 AM4 PM

Final Standings

PlacementTeamsPrize Money (USD)
7-8Gamers Legion
FaZe Clan
21-24Imperial Fe


All teams in attendance have qualified through their position in Valve’s ranking system. This includes female teams too, which means the all-female roster of Imperial fe will be in attendance.

TeamPlayers (Coach)
G2 Esportsm0NESY, huNter-, MalbsMd, Snax, HungryGod (TaZ)
Team Spiritdonk, chopper, magixx, zont1x, sh1ro (hally)
The MongolZbLitz, Techno4K, 910, mzinho, Senzu (maaRaa)
VitalityapEX, ZywOo, FlameZ, mezii, ropz (XTQZZZ)
FaZeKarrigan, rain, FROZEN, broky, EliGE (NEO)
MOUZtorszi, xertioN, Spinx, Jimpphat, Brollan (sycrone)
NAVIjL, Aleksib, iM, w0nderful, b1t (B1ad3)
FalconsMagisk, NiKo, TeSeS, kyxsan, degster (zonic)
LiquidNAF, Twistzz, Ultimate, JKS, NertZ (mithR)
Furiayuurih, KSCERATO, FalleN, chello, skullz (sidde)
paiNbiguzera, kauez, nqz, snow, dav1deuS (rikz)
MIBRexit, insani, drop, saffee, Lucaozy (nak)
3DMAXLucky, Djoko, Ex3rcice, Maka, Gravit (wasiNk)
Eternal FireXANTARES, MAJ3R, Wicadia, woxic, jottAAA (Fabre)
GamerLegionvolt, sl3nd, ztr, Tauson, REZ (ashhh)
ComplexityJT, Grim, hallzerk, cxzi, nicx (T.c)
SAWMUTiRiS, rmn, story, Ag1l, she (Golden)
BIGtabseN, krimbo, JDC, hyped, kyuubii (kakafu)
FlyQuestINS, Liazz, Vexite, dexter, regali (erkaSt)
Astralisdev1ce, staehr, stavn, jabbi, cadiaN (ruggah)
Wildcardstanislaw, JBa, Sonic, susp, phzy (vinS)
Virtus.Profl1t, fame, electroNic, FL4MUS, ICY (PASHANOJ)
Imperial feANa, twenty3, tory, Kat, zAAz (bubble)
HeroicSunPayus, xfl0ud, LNZ, yxngstxr, tN1R (sAw)