Tomb Raider cosplayer mocks PS One graphics as polygon Lara Croft

Michael Gwilliam
enjinight cosplays as PS One Lara Croft

Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft is easily one of the most iconic female characters in gaming despite having a somewhat amusing look when she debuted on the original PlayStation. Despite the polygons being a bit of a mockery, one cosplayer has used that as inspiration.

While Tomb Raider is well-regarded as pioneering new ground in the action genre with Lara’s Indiana Jones-like flare, her debut in the gaming world was held back a bit by technology.

This is especially true when comparing Lara’s appearance in newer games in the franchise to her PS One look. It’s night and day, especially when factoring in her parts that look a bit comical by today’s standards.

Nonetheless, the look has remained relevant all these years later, leading to cosplayer Enji Night to recreate the 90s style graphics with her new Lara Croft cosplay.


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“I heard you miss the polygon boobie Lara from your life!” she posted on Instagram alongside a series of photos with her dressed as the action hero.

The humorous photos feature the cosplayer with weirdly-shaped polygon breasts, just like Croft had back in the day.

In addition to the polygon look, she also managed to remain true to the character with everything else lining up perfectly. Lara’s hair, backpack, brown shorts and blue shirt are all reconstructed brilliantly.


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Even the little details such as the protagonist’s gloves, gun and belt are all included to make no mistake that she’s dressed as Lara.

As it turns out, Tomb Raider has a special place in the cosplayer’s heart. In another Instagram post, she remarked how it was the first game she ever played.

“Lara was definitely my childhood hero, this is why I’m always super thrilled to cosplay as her,” she explained happily.

Aside from Lara, the popular cosplayer has also taken on the role of Android 18 from Dragon Ball Z, Final Fantasy 7’s Aerith, 2B from Nier, and more. Clearly, she has an amazing talent and we can’t wait to see what else she has in store for us in 2021.