League of Legends cosplayer dashes into battle as charming Spirit Blossom Ahri

NaomiPeachu’s passion for League of Legends motivated her to cosplay her favorite champion and skin combination, Spirit Blossom Ahri, and it turned out to be an incredibly charming piece.
League of Legends cosplayers love transforming into their favorite champions. However, ones that have Spirit Blossom skins, which typically have a more vibrant look with a subtle floral aesthetic, have proven to be a smash hit.
As it stands, only ten champions have them; Ahri, Cassiopeia, Kindred, Lillia, Riven, Thresh, Teemo, Vayne, Yasuo, and Yone. But despite that, amazing Spirit Blossom cosplays keep popping up, especially Spirit Blossom Kindred and Ahri.

NaomiPeachu, who is a self-professed Ahri main, told Dexerto her “passion for the champion and its skins” motivated her to give cosplaying it a go. “I knew I had to cosplay Spirit Blossom Ahri once the skin came out [because] I fell in love with it,” she said.
We’re glad she did, because it turned out awesome. Naomi’s cosplay captured all the color and vibrancy that makes the skin so special, from the pink hair and ears to the multicolored outfit, and she even threw in the golden bells.
It wasn’t easy to pull off, though.
Cosplays that look as good as this Spirit Blossom costume take a lot of time and effort to complete, and Naomi admitted the hardest part was seeing it through to the end: “The most challenging part was getting the motivation to finish.”
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Fortunately, the feedback from her fans has been so good, it’s motivated her to keep the League of Legends cosplays coming. “My next cosplay should be of Battle Bunny Riven,” she said. “But I have tons of others in mind as I keep getting new ideas every week.”
- Read More: LoL cosplayer dances to K/DA beat as Kai’Sa
If you’d like to stay in the loop and see NaomiPeachu’s latest work, don’t forget to follow the League of Legends cosplayer on Instagram by clicking here.