Cosplayer freezes hell with Mortal Kombat Sub-Zero Frozen Elsa crossover

Michael Gwilliam

Mortal Kombat’s Sub-Zero and Frozen protagonist Elsa may be two of the most recognizable ice-themed characters in history, but they couldn’t be further opposites. That didn’t stop a cosplayer from combining the two in a dynamic crossover cosplay, though.

Cosplayer and artist Lisa Mancini decided to not only given Sub-Zero a female twist, but to combine him with Elsa for some added flair.

While Sub-Zero normally has his head covered, Mancini decided to let her blonde hair flow in a French braid, just like how Elsa’s does in the Frozen films.

Additionally, she added the Mortal Kombat fighter’s cold, dead eyes to the mix, along with the face mask that the character wears in combat.

For the outfit itself, Mancini decided to give Sub-Zero’s attire a bit of a feminine adjustment that exposes more of her body and legs.

However, she also included the spiky shoulder blades found in some variants of the character’s iconic costume.

To round out the ensemble, the cosplayer decided to opt for a pair of platform heel boots. Overall, the costume does a good job at not only being a female version of Sub-Zero, but adds some Elsa flair, too.

In a couple of stylish Instagram photos, Mancini decided to graphically upgrade her cosplay combination with some visual effects.

“Funny enough, I got into graphic design because as early as elementary school I’d spend a lot of my time editing terrible photos of me as mermaids, faeries or with super powers like a dweeb,” she wrote.

The close-up looks especially menacing, as if she’s ready to perform some sort of fatality on anyone who opposes her.

While Mortal Kombat crossovers aren’t normally well-recieved in the video game sense, such as Mortal Kombat vs DC, Disney has had better luck with Kingdom Hearts. Maybe if we’re lucky, one day we’ll see a Mortal Kombat with fighters mixed with Disney characters.

Until then, cosplayers like Lisa Mancini have us covered.