Call of Duty: Modern Warfare confirmed but where is MW2 Remastered?

Call of Duty finally revealed Modern Warfare as the 2019 CoD game but long-term fans of the series were harboring hopes of a Modern Warfare 2 Remastered reveal – so, where is it?
Where is MW2 Remastered?
Modern Warfare 2 in some form remains a possibility in 2019 as Infinity Ward and Call of Duty, have only revealed a two minute long trailer focusing on Modern Warfare’s campaign.
YouTubers who attended a preview event at the Infinity Ward offices describe the game as edgy and controversial. One YouTuber, Drift0r, claims “Modern Warfare makes MW2’s No Russian look like a Pixar Film.”
Modern Warfare will be released on October 25 but some fans are waiting for MW2 remastered.
Cross-platform play, free DLC and squad-based co-op gameplay are some of the only details known. The multiplayer portion of Modern Warfare has yet to be revealed, which means a Modern Warfare 2 Remastered reveal could still take place. However, this is looking less likely than it once was.
No MW2 leaks
Out of nowhere came leaks that the 2019 Call of Duty wouldn’t be called Modern Warfare 4, but, simply Modern Warfare. These leaks also included information about the campaign – both, of course, proving to be correct.
Unfortunately for Modern Warfare 2 fans, these leaks didn’t include information about a MW2 remaster. In fact, some of them specifically stated that the remastered version of MW2 and MW3 wouldn’t be included.
Commercially this does make sense as it wouldn’t be good for business if Infinity Ward were to split the player base between the new multiplayer and a popular existing one.
However, if a MW2 re-release looks unlikely for the start of Modern Warfare, it could still happen at some point next year. Infinity Ward could be keeping the game under wraps as part of a big surprise update for 2020. It could work similarly to Black Ops 4 Blackout’s, Alcatraz, where it came as a shock to Call of Duty players.
MW2 listed on classification board
Despite there being doubts about Modern Warfare 2 re-releasing soon, eagle-eyed MW2 fans have noticed that a listing for the game has appeared on the Australian classification board.
- Read More: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – Release date, campaign, multiplayer, cross-platform, rumors
Listed as “Primary: Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 2 (ModernWarfare241560817) (41560817)” the game is interestingly classified as “general”. This is in comparison to the original Modern Warfare 2 release which received a “mature 15+” classification with the consumer advice of “strong violence”.
An interesting listing appeared on the Australian Classification website…
This could indicate that the new listing is for multiplayer only, as it would have been the original, slightly controversial campaign that would have induced the 15+ rating.
Additionally, the separate listing to Modern Warfare hints that the game could even come as a separate release, probably sometime in 2020.
Most wanted remaster of a game ever?
MW2 Remastered has been rumored and wanted ever since the PS4 and Xbox One were released. Hilarious lobbies with endearing poor quality microphones, over-powered killstreaks and the sheer simplicity of it, are all reasons why 10 years on, the demand for MW2 is as big as ever.
The second installment of the Modern Warfare series was made backwards compatible for the Xbox One in August of last year.