Warzone & MW3 update finally fixes broken attachment with huge nerfs

Warzone and Modern Warfare 3’s latest update fixed the Bracefire-HC Grip exploit that wreaked havoc in battle royale matches and doubled down on DITR 30-06 nerfs.
The Bracefire-HC Grip was introduced as a new Aftermarket Part in Season 6. Players blamed the “broken” attachment for ruining battle royale matches because it allowed players to move at unintended speeds with non-existent footstep audio while in Tac-Stance.
Raven Software caught wind of the exploit and acted accordingly in this update.
Meanwhile, the DTIR 30-06 took over Warzone’s long-range meta due to an absurd time-to-kill speed and some of the lowest recoil we have ever seen from a weapon. An update one day after the weapon was introduced in Season 6 nerfed its max damage, damage ranges, and headshot multipliers but didn’t touch its recoil.
As a result, the DITR 30-06 held firm as the title’s third most popular weapon, according to WZ Ranked. That run lasted only a short time, as this update makes the battle rifle much more challenging to control.
Here is everything else included in the Sept. 24 update.
Warzone Sept 24 update full patch notes

Weapon adjustments
DITR 30-06
- Increased recoil gun kick to 32deg/s, up from 27.5deg/s.
- Fixer 1.4 Long Barrel
- Increased recoil gun kick by 3%.
- Increased horizontal recoil and vertical recoil by 8%.
- Sanctum-60 Long Barrel
- Increased recoil gun kick by 3%.
- Shadowcaster Suppressed Barrel
- Increased recoil gun kick, horizontal recoil, and vertical recoil by 4%.
- Demo Nimble Stock
- Increased horizontal recoil and vertical recoil by 4%.
- Rifleman 200 Stock
- Increased recoil gun kick, horizontal recoil, and vertical recoil by 3%.
Attachment adjustments
Caster-X1 Compensator
- Fixed an issue causing the -7% aim down sight time scale to be improperly applied
Bracefire-HC Grip
- Fixed an issue allowing players to toggle Tactical Stance, enabling unintended movement speeds.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue preventing the Tac-Map from showing progress to the Daily Challenges.
- Fixed an issue allowing players to flip the floating Shipment in the Purgatory mode.
- Fixed an issue preventing players from interacting with Loadout Drops bought from Buy Stations after joining a match in progress.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Bunker Busters to damage players inside the Safe Zone in the Purgatory mode.
- Fixed an issue causing an eliminated player with Camouflaged Sneaker equipped to drop the EMP Ball tactical.
- Fixed an issue allowing players to purchase and use more Sentry Turrets than intended in the Purgatory mode.
- Fixed an issue allowing players to duplicate Self-Revive Kits and Killstreaks in the Purgatory mode.
MW3 Sept 24 update full patch notes

- Improved clarity of the Jump Scares toggle option label.
- Bug Fixes
- Attackers widget will now display the total player health as the accurate value of 150, rather than 149.
- Scrolling the Info panel of a Featured Playlist will no longer cause Maps to disappear from the list.
- Buttons will no longer become unresponsive in the Ranked Play menu while using a mouse and keyboard input device.
- Killstreak Skins counter now displays the correct value after purchasing a relevant Bundle.
- Stretched artwork will no longer appear briefly during menu transitions.
- Filtering Weapons in the Gunsmith while a CDL Mode is active will no longer cause the player to be sent back to the lobby.
- Added missing Challenge description to the Constellation’s End Camo for the STG44 Assault Rifle.
- Operator Longshot or Collateral Kills Challenge will no longer track progress upon Scorestreak Kills.
- Bait
- Addressed an exploit allowing players to escape the playable area near the Boardwalk.
- Bows Before Throws
- Swapped the bow weapon to Daryl’s Crossbow to celebrate the upcoming The Walking Dead: Road to Terminus Event.
Weapons & Attachments
Battle Rifles
- DTIR 30-06
- Increased recoil gun kick from 27.5deg/s to 32deg/s (+16%).
- Fixer 1.4 Long Barrel
- Increased recoil gun kick by 3%.
- Increased horizontal recoil and vertical recoil by 8%.
- Sanctum-60 Long Barrel
- Increased recoil gun kick by 3%.
- Shadowcaster Suppressed Barrel
- Increased recoil gun kick, horizontal recoil, and vertical recoil by 4%.
- Demo Nimble Stock
- Increased horizontal recoil and vertical recoil by 4%.
- Rifleman 200 Stock
- Increased recoil gun kick, horizontal recoil, and vertical recoil by 3%.
Submachine Guns
- PDSW 528 (MWII)
- Fixed an issue preventing damage from being dealt between the 27.7m and 37.3m ranges.
- Caster-X1 Compensator Muzzle
- Properly applied the intended -7% aim down sight time scale.
- Bracefire-HC Grip Underbarrel
- Fixed an issue allowing players to toggle Tactical Stance, enabling unintended movement speeds.
- Gunslinger Vest
- Fixed an issue preventing placed Equipment from being picked up.
- Explosive damage is now capable of dealing damage to enemies who are underwater.