Warzone demon Biffle wins $10k bet from NBA player by clutching absurd 1v4

Theo Salaun
call of duty warzone diaz biffle streamer vs team

Call of Duty: Warzone star Diaz Biffle is making the most out of his last remaining days on Verdansk. Given a nearly impossible $10,000 challenge by the NBA’s Dennis Schroder, Biff clutched up an absurd match to secure the cash.

Picture this. It’s late at night, you’re down bad in the Gulag, the last player alive from your Quad, with around 40 enemies remaining. And then you find out that an NBA player is willing to give you $10,000 if you win the game single-handedly.

That’s the position Diaz Biffle was put in on December 8. To celebrate the last days on Verdansk and the wintry holidays, Boston Celtic Dennis Schroder decided to test Biff’s ice.

He learned of the challenge with his teammates dead and 13 other teams remaining in the Quads game. But you don’t become one of Warzone’s highest-ranked players by shying away from unideal odds.

Warzone pro Biffle given $10k challenge to win game 1v40

As you hear in the clip, Biffle is chilling in the Gulag when his teammate Repullze frantically pops up with a proposition: “Diaz, Diaz, Diaz. Don’t res anybody. You have $10,000 if you win this game, from Dennis — Dennis Schroder.”

Biff’s duo, SuperEvan, responded first with a “wait what?” And then Biff asked Repullze to repeat himself, before wondering why he only got to find out once he was already in Gulag.

But winning your ones is the foundation of CoD excellence and Biff won his 1v1 Gulag. Then he dropped back down, got loadout, and proceeded to clutch up.

From Diaz Biffle to Diablo Biffle for $10k

When Diaz first found out about the challenge, he had a solid 27 kills. Then he dropped back into the danger zone as a solo surrounded by enemy teams and picked up another four eliminations.

Finally, it was him against a full four-man squad. Biffle patiently worked through the gas, earning positioning for the price of half his health. 

So, spot secured, Biff lined up his EM2 shots, mixed in the OTs 9, and proceeded to clutch up. Four nasty kills later, he had 35 kills, a “Warzone Victory” screen, and $10,000 on the way to his bank account.