Warzone cheat website shuts down in fear of Activision lawsuit

With Call of Duty: Warzone’s recent action against hackers, it seems that another cheat website is biting the dust. Reportedly concerned about an Activision-Blizzard lawsuit, a hack provider has shut down all their CoD services.
Free-to-play titles like Warzone can easily become a safe haven for hackers, who are able to simply create new accounts whenever they’re punished. But the game’s developers have started swinging the pendulum in their favor.
Starting with the kernel-level driver introduced by Ricochet Anti-Cheat, CoD’s devs are steadily curbing their cheating problems. Now, following a lawsuit against one of the biggest hack websites, others are taking notice.
According to a statement posted to their Telegram account, Cynical Software are shutting down all Warzone and CoD cheating products.
Warzone cheat provider shuts down amid Activision legal efforts
Cheat provider Cynical Software announced in their public Telegram channel today that they are immediately stopping sales of CoD related hacks & cheats as they don’t want to get sued.
— CharlieIntel (@charlieINTEL) January 5, 2022
With Activision-Blizzard taking aim at EngineOwning, it appears that a trickle-down effect is in play. EO is known as one of the biggest cheat providers and Activision’s lawsuit calls for a maximum of $2,500 per violation, equating to “millions of dollars” owed.
That context sets an intimidating precedent for other cheat providers, who may not like the idea of battling Activision over millions. As such, Cynical Software didn’t wait a full 24 hours before deciding to shut down their services too.
— Blix (@cryaboutitlolll) January 5, 2022
In their Telegram announcement, the hack service explained that “all CoD related titles have been removed from the store and are no longer available to purchase.” This is good news for normal players, but unideal for cheaters – who have already been enraged by bans anyway.
Of concern, though, is the fact that the company plans to keep their “Cleaner” and “P00fer” products online. These services allow PC users to cleanse or “spoof” their hardware, as a way to circumvent bans.
It remains unclear if Activision will find a way to target spoofers next, but Warzone players are already encouraged by the fact that cheat websites are taking note of legal action.