How to complete Maya Aguinaldo’s Black Ops 6 Zombies cutscene on Citadelle des Morts

Citadelle des Morts has plenty of puzzles and secrets for players to uncover, including an easter egg for one of the new operators in Black Ops 6, Maya Aguinaldo.
After building a successful smuggling ring, Aguinaldo and her younger brother Nathan were recruited to work for the French Syndicate in Avalon. However, Nathan started to ask questions after a smuggling mission went wrong and he disappeared.
Aguinaldo discovered that the Syndicate leader Francois “Franco” Moreau sold Nathan out and shipped him off to be a test subject in Project Janus on Terminus. So, Aguinaldo set off to find her brother, but the experiments conducted on him at the CIA black site turned him into a beast, and she was forced to put him out of his misery.
Seeking out retribution, Aguinaldo joined the rest of the crew on their mission to find the Sentinel Artifact at Citadelle des Morts in Avalon to get revenge on Franco.
By following the steps of this easter egg, Aguinaldo is able to enact her revenge.
How to unlock Maya Aguinaldo’s cutscene on Citadelle des Morts

Before entering the wine cellar, you should have armor and weapon upgrades to go up against a horde of Vermin and two challenging boss zombies.
Doppleghasts and Vermin in a wide open area are relatively easy to handle on their own, but it’s a much different story in the cramped rooms of the wine cellar, where you barely have any room to run and regain your breath.
Also, it’s important to remember that Doppleghasts explode after getting killed. Being near the explosion nearly got me killed while I was trying to complete the easter egg.
With that out of the way, here are all of the steps.
- Choose Maya as your operator before starting a match
- Activate the Pack-a-Punch Machine
- Interact with the wooden door in the Quick Revive Perk-a-Cola room and speak to Kafft
- Reach Round 12
- Interact with the radio to the left of the Vulture Aid Perk-a-Cola in the upstairs area of the Dining Hall
- Interact with the door next to the radio to enter the wine cellar
- Defeat two Doppleghasts and the Vermin
- The Doppleghast with Laurent as a name tag drops a key after you kill it
- Use that key on the door in the back of the wine cellar
- After unlocking that door, the cutscene starts
Without spoiling what happens in the cutscene, that’s everything we know about completing Maya Aguinaldo’s cutscene.