Game-breaking Black Ops 6 Zombies bug lets you stack unlimited Perks

Brad Norton
Unlimited Black Ops 6 Zombies Perks

An insane Black Ops 6 Zombies bug is letting players stack an unlimited number of Perks, multiplying their effects to achieve infinite health, absurd fire rates, and more.

Dropping your points, grabbing a cold one, and guzzling down a fresh bottle of your favorite Perk-a-Cola is a time-honored tradition in CoD Zombies. There’s no better feeling than finally grabbing the Perk you’ve been hunting down and turning the tides on the undead.

Yet with every CoD game, there’s a limit. You can only have so many Perks equipped at once, as to keep the experience balanced. With Black Ops 6, however, that just went out the window thanks to an absurd bug that lets you stack an unlimited amount of upgrades.

You can grab dozens of the same Perk and run wild on any given map. Juggernog can provide hundreds of extra health while PhD Flopper can turn your dolphin dives into nukes. The choice is yours and here’s how it’s all done.

How to get unlimited perks with Black Ops 6 Zombies bug

As first uncovered by Zombies player SpecDec and their friend, YouTuber Glitching Queen shared the exploit so the masses can enjoy it before an inevitable fix arrives.

Proving the effectiveness, she revealed she had accumulated a staggering 52 Perks by round 15. Her eight Juggernogs provided a whopping 1,350 health, essentially turning her invincible.

In order to execute the trick, you first have to glitch your Gobblegums to ensure you get the right ones in-game. There are a few in particular that are absolutely necessary for the glitch, so you must have them equipped.

Two of these are Phoenix Up and Near Death Experience, two Gobblegums that focus on revives. The idea of the bug is to go down and be revived with all your Perks, plus a few extras.

One player needs to pop the Near Death Experience Gobblegum as soon as Round 1 begins. However, they mustn’t revive anyone. Instead, keep a crawler alive and let the Gobblegum timer run out. When it does, that player is then able to revive everyone else in the lobby for the rest of the game, and when doing so, downed players keep all their Perks.

There is a slight trick to it all, however, as you need to stand far away from the person reviving when going down. If you’re downed in close proximity, the glitch can be finicky and not duplicate any Perks.

While one or more players are down, the one who popped the Gobblegum has to go and pick up power-ups throughout the map. While these can be obtained from various Easter eggs, you can always pop the Raindrops Gobblegum to expedite the process.

Once that’s done, simply head back to the downed player, revive them, and watch as 2-3 additional Perks are added. Repeat the process until your heart’s content and you can watch as the Perk icons fly off the screen with dozens piling up,

Treyarch is sure to nip this one in the bud as soon as possible so don’t expect this exploit to be accessible for all too long.