Elderly Black Ops 6 players claim camping is the only thing that makes CoD playable

Older Black Ops 6 players say that camping is the only way they can enjoy Call of Duty games now.
Camping in one spot for easy kills has long been a topic of debate amongst players who enjoy online shooters. Many consider the tactic cheap and a show of low skill.
Such discussion with respect to Black Ops 6 has become especially interesting, given the game’s respawn and spawn trapping issues. Players have even jokingly called the new entry a “camper’s dream” since some matches will see users respawning where they died just moments prior.
But not everyone thinks taking advantage of sitting in a corner and waiting for your time to strike is a bad thing. On the contrary, older community members proudly wear their camping tendencies on their sleeves.
Older Black Ops 6 players aren’t ashamed of camping
“I’m a camper and I’m not ashamed to admit it,” wrote a 53-year-old CoD player in the Black Ops 6 subreddit.
The older gamer explained that with age comes a diminishing of reflexes, thus they struggle to keep up with younger players who turn them into cannon fodder when jumping and running around. “I need to compensate with some strategy and malice.”
Being a camper is one “valid strategy” that helps them survive and secure kills. And it doesn’t hurt that camping is also “fun,” in their eyes.

Other older players admitted they feel the same way. One 59-year-old who’s playing thanks to Game Pass chimed in with, “I don’t have the twitch reflexes to compete 1 on 1 anymore so I’ve had to adapt my play style and camping can be a lot of fun.”
Another like-minded user added, “I’m 50 too and I need to camp more, the jumping, diving, sliding goofballs irritate me.”
But Black Ops 6’s new omnimovement system hasn’t turned all older gamers into camping menaces. Some in the thread said that, despite their age, they’re still able to run-and-gun with the best of the them.
“56 here and run and gun for the most part,” reads one such comment. Someone else replied that they’re turning 63 soon and play the same way, not afraid to go toe-to-toe with Omnimovement whippersnappers.
So while camping is a viable option for some elder Black Ops 6 users, others clearly have no problem enduring the chaos of the twitch shooter.