Critical Black Ops 6 error is handing out losses to players who win their matches

Free-for-All is usually the perfect game mode to warm up or jump in for a quick match, but an annoying glitch has gone unnoticed and is impacting overall enjoyment.
In 2003, the first Call of Duty title included Free-for-All as one of its core multiplayer game modes. Since then, every title has also featured the classic mode, where eight players race to get 30 kills first.
There have been a few variations over the game mode’s 20-year-plus history, but there is little reason to re-write a tried-and-true formula that already works.
However, as modern CoD titles have innovated and introduced more modes, including wacky limited-time modes, FFA took a back seat to other, more exciting offerings.
Despite that, FFA still has many passionate fans who prefer the mode over everything else. So, those same players feel disrespected by the devs for letting a game-breaking glitch slip right under their noses for over a month.
Is Free-for-All broken in Black Ops 6?

On November 28, a BO6 player posted a clip showing that they were the first one to reach 30 eliminations and were first on the leaderboard, but the game gave them a defeat, and they didn’t appear anywhere on the final top-three podium.
A few weeks later, on December 16, CoD YouTuber notblametruth claimed that this glitch had been present since launch and also shared an image of the scoreboard bug.
Treyarch has yet to issue a response to this glitch, and players are fed up that the minor glitch has taken so long to clear up.
Other users in the comment section took the chance to share screenshots of the glitch and expressed frustration over the lack of communication or knowledge of its existence.
On December 23, Treyarch and Raven Software departed for their holiday break, so this update won’t be addressed until the start of the new year at the earliest.
But since it’s already been around for so long, there isn’t any guarantee as to when that fix will come.