Call of Duty dataminers discover long lost Black Ops 2 Zombies map a decade later

Ryan Lemay
Image from Black Ops 2 Zombies Tranzit

Call of Duty fans can only sit back and think about what could have been for Black Ops 2, as alleged footage from a potential fifth DLC content pack surfaced.

Iconic multiplayer and Zombies maps, alongside a memorable campaign, contribute toward making Black Ops 2 one of the most beloved titles in series history. Then, on top of an already impressive content offering at launch, Treyarch delivered one of the best post-launch content plans CoD has ever seen.

BO2 added four DLC packs, each including four new multiplayer maps and one new Zombies map. Two of those new additions, Buried and Origins, went on to become legendary maps that are still looked back on fondly by the Zombies community.

However, there was allegedly a plan to release a fifth DLC pack, as fans discovered a pre-alpha build that included an early version of Origins and an un-released Wonder Weapon.

The build also featured a remastered version of Kino Der Toten from Black Ops 1, and CharlieIntel shared five minutes of gameplay from an early build of the map.

Call of Duty fans conflicted over leaked Kino Der Toten remake

Kino Der Toten from Black Ops 3

Zombies fans love Kino Der Toten, so it would have been great to have the map in Black Ops 2. However, Black Ops 3 remastered the map and seven other iconic locales from previous titles as part of the Zombies Chronicles collection.

So, some weren’t too disappointed by the news. “So essentially, this just became Zombies Chronicles, one player responded. “It’s probably smarter they pushed it.”

“good thing it didn’t, the BO3 version is godlike,” a second user added.

In saying that, a third commenter said, “we got robbed” and would have liked to have seen the remaster with the BO2 weapons.

As for the future of Zombies moving forward, a CoD 2025 leak revealed that a “Tranzit-inspired” map from BO2 is in the works, along with the original cast returning.