Black Ops 6’s most underrated perk is way better than you think

Kurt Perry
A selection of perks in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.

The perks in Black Ops 6 are split into three categories, with the options in perk slot 2 generally being the weakest in the game. However, one perk in this slot is actually a fantastic choice that a lot of players are overlooking.

Of the eight perks available in the second slot, Forward Intel stands out as the best by far. When equipped, it increases the minimap area and shows direction indicators for revealed enemies, offering you more intel to better judge enemy spawns and general map flow.

We’ve known about these effects since launch, but Call of Duty expert TheXclusiveAce recently tested the specifics, and it turns out this perk is way better than first thought.

As revealed in TheXclusiveAce’s video, Forward Intel boosts minimap coverage by a staggering 50%, which is enough to see the entirety of most multiplayer maps. Equally, the direction indicators it adds don’t overwrite the arrows showing if an enemy is below or above you, as was the case in past games.

A visual breakdown showing how much larger the radar is when using Forward Intel in Black Ops 6.
Forward Intel increases the radar’s size by 50% from 22 meters to 33 meters.

In practice, this perk essentially transforms both Scout Pulses and UAVs into mini-HARPS, giving you the benefits of a high-end scorestreak with only a fraction of the effort required. That’s incredibly powerful in game modes like Hardpoint, where reading and reacting to spawn rotations is a must.

How does Forward Intel compare to other perks?

There’s no doubt that Forward Intel is strong, but what makes it especially good is that it has so little competition due to the slot that it occupies.

While slot 1 has powerhouse options like Ghost, Ninja, and Flak Jacket, and slot 3 offers meta perks like Cold-Blooded, Bankroll, and Quartermaster, the second slot is weak by comparison.

Bruiser, Engineer, Fast Hands, and Shadow are all situational and only make sense to use in specific circumstances. Meanwhile, Assassin, Engineer, and Tracker are solid enough and have their uses but aren’t playstyle-defining by any means.

The Forward Intel perk in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.

Realistically, Forward Intel’s only rival is Dispatcher, which is an incredible perk that makes non-lethal scorestreaks easier to earn. That’s great for those who enjoy using the Strategist combat specialty, but completely useless if you prefer Recon.

Besides, you can just run the Perk Greed wildcard and take advantage of Dispatcher that way instead. This actually makes a lot of sense, as Forward Intel enhances the exact scorestreaks that you will be calling in more frequently by using Dispatcher. It’s a powerful combo that will give you all the intel you could ever need.

Unfortunately, Forward Intel isn’t unlocked until Level 47. Since it is one of the highest-level unlocks in Black Ops 6, it’s worth considering using a Prestige Token to permanently unlock it. However, you’ll want to check out all of the best items to unlock with Prestige Tokens first to make sure this is the right decision.

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