Black Ops 6 Zombies players are absolutely sick of this annoying enemy type

There are plenty of different enemy types to deal with in Black Ops 6 Zombies, but there’s one boss zombie that is pushing players to the absolute limit.
Back in the day, CoD Zombies had a modest variety of enemies to fight off, from regular slow-moving zombies to undead dogs. In the years since World at War, though, Treyarch have thrown bigger and more deadly threats into the mix.
One of these is Amalgams, a new boss in Black Ops 6 Zombies that are made up of body parts from smaller enemies. They’re one of the toughest tests you’ll face in this year’s game, but following the release of The Tomb in Season 2, players have finally had enough of fighting them.
BO6 Zombies players tired of fighting Amalgams
‘Chrollo0915’ kickstarted the debate with a post on Reddit calling out Amalgams, claiming that they’re too tough to deal with and consistently ruin runs.
“I can’t do it anymore like what the f**k. I’m vibing, in like mid-round 50s, tryna high round when Amalgams f*****g reach for me, destroy my armor, take off half my health, and leave me in the middle of zombies,” he explained.
“The tankyness, the health regen. Idk at this point man, like idk if I’ll play the next map if it has Amalgams I hate them that much, one of my most hated boss zombies of all time.”
They were far from alone, with many other fans responding to share their frustrations. One of the most common complaints was their long-range grab attack, which can easily catch you off guard and open you up to damage from every direction.
“When an Amalgam grabs you, you have literally ZERO iframes to any other damage sources,” said one reply. “I’ll be doing my thing only to get grabbed and then smacked by 10 zombies because the Amalgams got me held in place.”
These enemies have especially become a problem during The Tomb’s final boss encounter against the Sentinel Artifact, which throws multiple Amalgams at you at once alongside regular enemies and the boss’ lasers.
“Lost in the boss fight that way on The Tomb, Amalgam grabbed me and I was insta downed,” said another player. “You would think with all the Amalgam complaints, Treyarch would tone them down. But no… they just make them even more annoying.”
Treyarch are yet to respond to the complaints, but it wouldn’t be the first that the nerfed an enemy type in Zombies. Back in December, they reduced the spawn rate of Manglers in later rounds after players grew frustrated with the difficulty spike.
Fans will be hoping they do something similar with Amalgams on The Tomb, so they can try to complete the Easter egg without being overwhelmed by the monstrosities.