Black Ops 6 sniper attachment makes quickscoping ridiculously easy

Kurt Perry
A Black Ops 6 player shooting down a helicopter with the LR 7.62 sniper rifle.

Quickscoping has always been a unique part of sniping in Call of Duty that fans have come to love, and Black Ops 6 has an attachment that makes it easier than ever.

Traditionally, being good at quickscoping required a lot of practice, and only the best players could dominate lobbies doing so. It’s a big reason as to why the likes of FaZe Clan became so big in the first place, with its members being among the most skilled snipers in early COD games like Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops 2.

These days, you don’t need to be a FaZe member to quickscope, as it has become so common. To make it even easier, though, all you have to do is equip the Strelok Laser. This powerful attachment was added in BO6 and its benefits are described as “tightening the spread during the transition between hipfire and aiming down sights.”

In practice, this means that your sniper rifle will get gradually more accurate as you scope in, rather than go straight from hipfire spread to ADS. This makes it easier to land quickscopes, as all you have to do is line up your crosshair, aim in, and shoot. After just a few games of practice, you’ll be able to land crazy shots that wouldn’t look out of place in a classic montage.

Best BO6 quickscope class – LR 7.62 loadout

  • Magazine: Extended Mag I
  • Rear Grip: Quickdraw Grip
  • Stock: Heavy Stock
  • Laser: Strelok Laser
  • Fire Mods: Rapid Fire
The best quickscope class on the LR 7.62 in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.

Surprisingly, the LR 7.62 is the best sniper for quickscoping in Black Ops 6 despite its slower handling. This is because the Strelok Laser mitigates this problem, as you can shoot accurately far before fully scoping in anyway. As such, it makes sense to use a high-damage sniper that is more forgiving than a fast-handling one like the LW3A1 Frostline.

In saying that, it’s still a good idea to improve the sniper’s handling stats where possible by using the Quickdraw Grip. Likewise, the Rapid Fire mod improves fire rate, making the LR 7.62 feel more responsive and less clunky in situations where a second shot is required. This year’s Call of Duty is very fast paced, so these attachments make a huge difference.

Furthermore, the Heavy Stock is highly recommended, as this attachment quite literally halves the flinch of your sniper. This is incredibly important in gunfights where you shoot second, which will almost always lead to your demise without this attachment.

Finally, the Extended Mag I boosts magazine capacity from 5 rounds to 7. The default magazine is very small and requires constant reloading, but this fixes that problem. The best part is that this extended mag doesn’t give a penalty to ADS speed like most others, so you don’t have to worry about it ruining the LR 7.62’s handling.

For more ideas on what builds to use, check out the best sniper rifle loadouts in Black Ops 6. You’ll also want to make sure you are using either the best controller settings or best MnK settings to hit as many shots as possible.