Black Ops 6 players call for simple change that’d massively improve Ranked Play

Ryan Lemay
Image of new Black Ops 6 map in Season 2

Black Ops 6 players appreciate the progress made in improving Ranked Play at the start of Season 2, but there is still one change at the top of wish lists.

In Season 2, Call of Duty added a setting for PlayStation and Xbox players to disable cross-play in BO6 and Warzone Ranked Play. This ultimately means console players will be far less likely to come up against hackers in Ranked Play, as most issues are reportedly on PC.

In addition, RICOCHET Anti-Cheat added new detection models for behavioral systems, such as aim botting, and other data points, including account trust and hardware identifiers to target serial cheaters.

On top of that, the seasonal update introduced a Vote to Forfeit feature, so players can vote to leave when the match is too far out of hand. These changes improved the overall Ranked Play experience, but players don’t want the devs to stop there.

Black Ops 6 players urge devs for better-Ranked Play weapon balancing

Treyarch announced that new Season 2 maps Bounty and Dealership will be temporarily added to all game modes in BO6 Ranked Play until February 14.

During that evaluation period, players can provide feedback with the #BO6RankedPlay tag on Twitter and share whether they want the maps added permanently or not.

Players took this opportunity to make their voices heard about the Season 2 weapon evaluation and how it missed the mark.

When BO6 Season 2 started on January 28, Treyarch added the PPSh-41 SMG and Cypher 091 Assault Rifle to the Ranked Play weapon pool for at least one week so players could test them out, similar to the testing done for maps.

Testing showed that the Cypher 091 AR massively outperformed the AMES-85, while the PPSh-41 performed far below expectations and failed to come close to overtaking the KSV or the Jackal PDW.

Raven Software already buffed the PPSh-41 once since Season 2 went live, because the SMG also didn’t perform as expected in Warzone. This led to questions about why the devs couldn’t wait until both weapons were properly balanced before adding them to Ranked Play.

Since Treyarch jumped the gun and deployed them before making the necessary balancing changes, players want both weapons gone for good.

“Remove the Cypher, please,” former pro-CoD player Parasite urged.

CoD content creator LunchTime also asked for the Cypher to be removed soon.

It’s a shame that both weapons failed to find a place in the BO6 competitive meta, but these guns would’ve had a better chance if they were added for a test at a later date.