Black Ops 6 has a “pointless” scorestreak that no one uses

Black Ops 6 has a “pointless” kill streak that no one actually uses, and players are questioning if it’s worth keeping around at the current cost.
Back in the halcyon days of Call of Duty 4, you had killstreaks that you could earn. A UAV, then an airstrike, and a helicopter. Since then, though, things have expanded in a big way. Take Black Ops 6 as an example, there are 18 scorestreaks to choose from in the newest COD title.
Despite the massive options on offer, some players do keep it simple. They’ll just use UAV, Counter-UAV, and then the H.A.R.P to rack up the assist points and be a team player.
That means that some of the more out there choices do get ignored. Take the Interceptors, for one. The fighter jets are meant to swoop in, drop explosives in one fly by and then come back again for a second round moments later. Oh, and they take out enemy aircraft.
Black Ops 6’s Interceptors streak blasted as “pointless”
However, it’s actually quite rare that you’ll see them in-game. Not only are they expensive – 1250 points – but players just aren’t using them.
Why, you might ask? Well, some players think the streak is just pointless. “Almost 350 games and I’ve not seen a single one of these (other than mine),” Redditor Pilgore1 said, getting the conversation around the streak underway.
“Waste of a streak, especially being that high, nothing my Cigma won’t sort in a couple of rockets,” another Redditor said. “Pointless. Like the majority of killstreaks in this game,” another added.
Others noted that it using the H.A.R.P is a better use of an expensive killstreak, seeing as the assist points help you towards unlocking others.
“Complete waste of a streak slot. Costs way too much,” another player added. “I see them mostly from supply drops. Definitely way too expensive when a launcher or even a dmr/lmg with the FMJ are better,” another commenter chimed in.
Adjusting the price of the streak is something that Treyarch could do pretty easily. Though, who knows if they’ll listen.