Shroud slams Battlefield 2042 gameplay for “rewarding” bad players

Michael ‘shroud’ Grzesiek slammed the amount of “bloom” in Battlefield 2042’s gameplay, describing it as a “weird” feature that ultimately rewards bad players over good ones.
Shroud’s had mixed feelings about Battlefield 2042 since he started playing it during the early access period.
He’s praised some aspects. For example, he described the Portal mode as the “highlight” of the game. He even had a wonderful time showcasing what he believes is the “most broken” vehicle in the game.
However, he’s been critical of others. He believes the Hazard Mode could do with a bit of a rework to make it more suitable for players wanting to unlock weapons and attachments.
Now, he’s revealed some concerns about the overall gameplay, too. More specifically, he thinks the excessive use of “bloom” – a feature that adds an element of unpredictability into shooting, rewards bad players.

“The game has a lot of bloom on rifles. Not just on rifles, but most things,” he said. For that reason, he believes guns that have less bloom, including SMGs and DMRs, are more dominant than assault rifles at the moment.
His comments drew a reaction from a fan who said: “I’d rather have bloom than some nerd lasering me from across the map.”
Shroud responded, saying, “See, that’s exactly why they did it. So that people like you could have a fair chance. I get it. It makes sense. It just doesn’t feel very good. It rewards worse players, which is kind of weird. I just don’t agree with it.”
He explained that he’s “fine” with the developer’s decision to make it a feature and insisted they “don’t have to change it.” It’s not going to stop him from playing. He just doesn’t like the idea of “making better players worse.”
Despite his claims about bloom in Battlefield 2042, shroud is still a formidable force in any given lobby. On November 15, a clip of him taking down an entire squad, including a helicopter pilot, went viral.
However, he’s still convinced that the amount of bloom in Battlefield 2042 is holding him back, and wants DICE to change the gun feature.