Big-brained Baldur’s Gate 3 trick makes gold the most powerful weapon in the game

A Baldur’s Gate 3 player has used one of the craftiest plays we’ve seen to one-shot an Act 2 boss. Proving the game is definitely a fantasy, he actually managed to punish someone for having more money.
Baldur’s Gate 3 players are a wily bunch and we’ve seen some absolutely insane uses of its D&D-inspired mechanics. Players have used physics to create Owlbear nukes and chain reactions to commit goblin genocide.
Even the toughest boss in Baldur’s Gate 3 is no match for the cunning of some players. With all these examples, we thought the creative well may have run dry. Not so.
One Baldur’s Gate 3 player has used a combination of an enchanted weapon and charitable donations to obliterate the final boss of the game’s second act. They took to Reddit to break down the strat and it’s a doozy.
How to one-shot Baldur’s Gate 3’s Act 2 boss
u/GoldenThane explained the financial mechanics behind the expert play. There are two (or 15,001) ingredients: The Twist of Fortune Morning Star and 15,000 gold.
The Twist of Fortune has a special attack that applies an additional 3 piercing damage for every 300 gold the target has on their person. To pull off the instakill, u/GoldenThane graciously gifted 15,000 gold to the Apostle of Myrkul and then bashed their brains in.
Interestingly, the screenshots provided by the poster indicate that each instance of piercing damage was counted as a separate event. Each one also applied extra psychic damage from the Cull the Weak Illithid Power.
The combination of separate damage types was enough to melt through the boss’s HP and made for some pretty impressive fireworks. We’ve never seen a more effective use of capitalism.

If you want to try this method for yourself, you can find the Twist of Fortune early in the second chapter of Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s dropped by the Tollkeeper Gerringothe Thorm upon his defeat.
Thorm can be found in the western region of the Shadow-cursed lands in the Tollhouse. If you’re after bigger and better guides for Baldur’s Gate 3, we’ve got a bunch of them.
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