Baldur’s Gate 3 players lack remorse for NPC death despite heartbreaking letter

One Baldur’s Gate 3 NPC drops a letter upon defeat that may make you regret your actions and reload an old save, but surprisingly, many players aren’t moved.
Larian Studios left many devastating letters to players throughout its D&D RPG, such as Dammon’s letter about Karlach in the epilogue. Some notes have also been called “nightmare-fuel” and unsettled players more than anything else.
In this case, upon defeating a Fist of Bane member named Gasper in Act 3, players can read a letter from his mother congratulating her son on landing a job with a future.
The letter explained how Gasper’s father was proud of him for carrying on the Throaks name and was taking her out to Elfsong Tavern to celebrate.
Although the Reddit poster felt dejected, as denoted by the sad emoticon in the title of the post, the majority of the replies weren’t remorseful in the slightest.
Why would this be the case? Well, although fans may believe Gasper to be entirely innocent, many comments pointed out the fact that the NPC is a Fist of Bane member, meaning he works for Gortash.
Gortash is one of the three main villains of Baldur’s Gate 3, and it wouldn’t be hard to believe that his foot soldiers know just how corrupt he is.
“[H]e’s not just some innocent man in over his head,” one reply explained, “he’s in deep and probably firmly believes in what he’s doing or he would never have made it that far.”
Another stated that if the player hid just out of sight before triggering the fight they could hear Gasper telling another guard not to feel bad for killing or hurting the Gondians, who are slaves and prisoners of the Iron Throne.
Interestingly, fans may also feel a lack of guilt after visiting Elfsong Tavern where Gasper’s parents are dining.
“You can find out his mom is cheating on his dad with Tamia Holzt,” a response detailed, “and then she decides to very publicly leave him for her.”
It’s clear that Baldur’s Gate 3 fans know to think twice before feeling regretful about an NPC death, as not everyone is who they may seem to be.