How to get Apex Legends’ legendary Marching Orders skin for free

Apex Legends has launched its holiday event in the form of the Holo-Day Bash and you can get your hands on a free legendary skin for the G7 simply by starting a party.
The Holo-Day Bash is Apex Legends’ newest limited-time event – giving players the chance to splash their hard-earned Apex Coins on some special skins, while also diving into the Winter Express game mode.
After being leaked in the weeks building up, the event finally kicked off on December 12 and has been chock full of new skins for Legends, as well as challenges that need to be completed. Some are, obviously, much easier than others but some of the easiest even give you the chance to get some eye-catching legendary skins for free.

How to complete Apex Legends’ Start the Party at Mirage Voy’age challenge
One, in particular, is the challenge to ‘Start the Party at Mirage Voy’age.’ Now, anyone has kept up with the Apex Legends lore will know that the bamboozling legend loves a bit of party – as well as himself – so this is actually a pretty perfect challenge.
You don’t have to gather up ten or fifteen players and hit the dancefloor either. Simply work your way up to the floating ship and then hop on to the balcony area that overlooks a dancefloor and stage.
There, you’ll find a small screen that will prompt you to start the part by holding down your action button. By doing so, a party sequence will begin – including lasers, fireworks, and even some huge Mirage projections.
Now, it’s pretty simple on the face of things, but these parties will attract a crowd as the fireworks and subsequent blasts of music make one almighty sound.
If you manage to survive without being swarmed upon by enemies, though, the button will reset after a few seconds of cooldown – allowing others to complete the challenge as well.
Once you complete the task and the match, regardless of winning or losing, you should be handed the legendary Marching Orders skin for your G7.