Apex Legends Ranked players demand ban wave to stop Season 14 cheaters

The world of Apex Legends’ Ranked playlist has seen its fair share of troubles in Season 14 and now players campaigning for another wave of bans to help clear up the competition.
Respawn Entertainment has put quite the focus on the Ranked environment since the launch of Apex Legends. Whether through updating security measures, making changes based directly on community feedback, or completely redesigning the RP system, it’s clear that the competitive side plays a major part in the studio’s strategy.
Even still, an influx of cheaters of all kinds has made the mode less than enjoyable for many players, and calls for things like increased anti-cheat protection and big ban waves have become a near constant for the community.
Apex Legends fans call for ban wave to help save Ranked
The Apex Legends devs have culled big numbers of cheaters from the game before and the calls to do that once again have been popping up more and more as the season wears on.
One particular post, which highlights the main issues that are plaguing the highest ranks of the game, describes the trickle effect that rampant cheating has throughout all of the Ranked playlists.
“Half of the Apex Predators from this Season are cheating in some way. Some examples are DDOSing, Fence boosting, six or nine-man teaming, and other methods to cheat to make RP easily, I see it in almost all my games,” one player explained.
This influx of players in the game’s most prestigious rank means that other talented gamers are now being forced out of the rank, making them more likely to be paired up with players below their skill level, making the entire experience less fun for all involved.
The post also targets a recent update to two Flatline skins that the studio changed in order to keep the game as fair as possible, claiming that the modified sights on these custom versions were impacting “competitive integrity” across the board, and pushed for bigger goals than a few weapon updates.
“We need the community to raise awareness and come together against cheaters by pushing Respawn and [Head of Apex Security] Hideouts to do a ban wave for this split to maintain competitive integrity,” they continued.
The first Ranked split of Season 14 is coming to a close on September 27 but there’s no sign yet that these fans will get their wish at the mid-season break.