Apex Legends pros slam “embarrassing” Season 14 Ranked

Multiple Apex Legends pros have spoken out to criticize the “embarrassing” Ranked mode in Season 14 and question the lack of improvements from Respawn.
Despite huge changes arriving for Apex Legends Ranked back in Saviors, the mode is still receiving a lot of criticism from the community in Season 14.
Of course, no one is more vocal about the issues than the pros who play the game for a living, and a lot of them have taken to Twitter to voice their frustration.
Describing the current state of Ranked as “embarrassing”, Cloud9’s Jamison ‘PVPX’ Moore is confused about Respawn’s decision to “speed up [the] zone, zone damage, and uncap KP” during a Kings Canyon split.
In his opinion, the mode is in such a poor state that he’s surprised Respawn hasn’t “hot patched” the problems yet.
FURIA Esports pro-Jacob ‘HisWattson’ McMillin, a personality that has dominated the news for other reasons in recent weeks, decided to shine a light on the matchmaking problems in Ranked.
Sharing a photo of Floyd Mayweather and Logan Paul’s boxing record, HisWattson poked fun at the extremely unbalanced matches plaguing Ranked in Season 14.
With Gold and Plat players facing Predators in some cases, it’s incredibly difficult to find the motivation to climb Ranked when it feels unfair.
Finally content creator SoaR hollow pointed out that Respawn has made over $2 billion off Apex and the game still lacks “a workshop mode, custom servers for everyone, higher tickrate servers, better audio, better cosmetics, better matchmaking, better-ranked rewards, [&] a replay system.”
While Respawn can only work on a limited amount of content at a time, it’s obvious the community’s frustration is growing when it comes to matchmaking, Ranked, and servers.
These are three fundamental aspects of Apex that have had issues for a long period of time. While the devs have promised improvements are on the way, it’s clear pros and casual players alike are losing patience.
Let’s hope Respawn can implement some changes in Season 15, or the complaints will continue to roll in.